Part 1 Momo's love

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After Momo, All Might and Midoriya had gone to help Jiro and Tsuyu Midoriya decided to tell their parents so All Might went back to the school to ask Jiro, Tsuyu and Momo's parents to come for a meeting and Inko Midoriya.

As the parents arrived All Might took them to a room where Midoriya, Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu were wait as All Might shut the door behind him.

"Jiro honey what's going on" Jiro's mother said as Midoriya walks forward.

"Everyone I asked All Might to call you here as me and your daughters have been hiding a secret from you all" Midoriya says as Momo's father steps forward.

"Tell us what you have been hiding from us" said Momo's father.

"You see the 4 of us been in this relationship" Momo says as her mother comes forward.

"Momo honey that's fine" Momo's mother says as Tsuyu comes forward and speaks.

"But Mrs Yaoyorozu you don't understand you see all 3 of us have been in a relationship with Midoriya because of his curse ribbit" Tsuyu says with a sad look on her face as Inko came forward.

"Izuku what does she mean" Inko says as Midoriya looks at them.

"I was do some training when I heard a scream I thought someone was in trouble so went to help but someone shoot past me and scratched my neck at first everything seemed normal until the day of the quirk exam" Midoriya says as Momo places her hand on shoulder.

"During the exam I don't know what happened but my mind went blank and something else took over when I woke up I found myself in the nurses office with Momo and she explained everything that she saw but for some reason that same thing took over that night and I pounce on her like a wild animal but I managed to snap myself out of it" Midoriya said as her father walk forward and grabbed him by the collar.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY BABY GIRL YOU BASTARD" Momo's father shout as All Might was about to stop him before Midoriya told All Might not to do anything no matter what.

"Dad put him down" Momo says.

"NO WAY THIS BASTARD NEEDS TO TELL ME WHAT HE DID SO MOMO PLEASE STAY OUT OF THIS" Momo's father shouted as Momo's mother walked behind him.

"Honey that's enough put him down" Momo's mother says as her husband lets Midoriya fall to the ground as Momo tries to run to him but is pulled away by her father.

"I thought I was a monster because of what had happened but Momo never gave up on me she even told to feed off her at first I didn't want to but soon I found myself biting Momo's neck we also found out that anyone I bite becomes aroused and well we had sex" said Midoriya as Momo's father punched him in the face causing him to bleed from his nose.

"GET UP" shouted Momo's father anger on his voice as Midoriya stood up again but soon got punched in the face again with even more blood coming out.

"Dad stop it Midoriya didn't do anything wrong" said Momo trying to calm her father who kicked Midoriya over and over as Tsuyu and Jiro had to watch.

Soon Momo could no longer hold back her tears as Midoriya just smiled at her which she knew meant he wanted this to happen out of blame as a tear fell to the ground she over to him and stood in her fathers way.

"Momo move" her father says as her mother walked forward.

"Tell him honey after all I already know" said Momo's mother as everyone look at her in shock as well as Momo.

"Dad {sniff} I {sniff} I love IZUKU MIDORIYA" Momo shouted out Midoriya's name as her mother gave her a smile.

"You see when I first started UA everyone in my class was weird but funny as we got to know each other I found some good friends but Midoriya was special I grew more and more closer to him but when I saw him fight he showed great planning skills and how he adapted to problem that's why I love Izuku Midoriya because he's kind, caring and gentle" Momo said as her father looked at Midoriya.

"See honey our little girl knows what she is doing and I've know her feelings for him for some time now" her mother said as Momo looked at her.

"How did you know mom" asked Momo as her mother pulled out a small purple book that caused Momo to blush as she tried to grab it from her mother.

"Mom give me my diary" Momo says as her mother open the book and a smile appears on her face.

"Honey I like this part about you wanting to feel Midoriya's body touch yours and you even dream of him not mention all the things he did that night I must say reading it really makes me blush" Momo's mom said as Momo knocked her down which caused the book to land in Inko's hand with the page open.

After she read the first entry she closed it with a bright red blush on her face as she gave the book back to Momo and said sorry for reading it.

"Momo is that true what your mom said" Midoriya says as Momo nods.

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