Steamy Froppy

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They had just eaten dinner and decided to watch a film which just happened to be Beauty and the Beast which soon had Samidare and Satsuki fast a sleep he and Tsuyu turned the TV off and picked them up and headed up to bed they placed Samidare and Satsuki in their beds and soon head to their bed as well as Midoriya shut the door Tsuyu spoke.

"Midoriya what did you give Satsuki to get her to eat her curry usually she won't touch it" Tsuyu asks in confusion.

"Huh didn't I say earlier it was a little magic" Midoriya says as he reaches into his bag as he pulled out some black shorts and green top which he was taking towards the bathroom as Tsuyu just stood there.

"Ok it's a little trick my mom taught me you see when I was little I had trouble with spicy food so my mom ground up some berries and sprikled some on my food and soon I got use to it so I did the same thing for Satsuki" Midoriya said as he went to get changed.

As he exited the bathroom he saw Tsuyu sitting in bed as he got round to his side he got into bed but before he could get to sleep Tsuyu spoke.

"So Midoriya how long have you been a vampire" Tsuyu asks shocking Midoriya as he turned his head to face her.

"How do you know" Midoriya asks in shock.

"I saw you and Jiro doing well you know" Tsuyu says with a blush on her face as Midoriya began to blush as well.

"Tsuyu why are you asking me about this" Midoriya said.

"Well Midoriya I would like you to give me what you did for Jiro" Tsuyu says as she puts her hand on Midoiya's hand.

"Tsuyu can I ask you something is this a thing or is it like Jiro and Momo which is love because I don't want to hurt you" Midoriya asks with a sad look on his face.

"To be honest I don't know but it I do love you Midoriya because when ever I see you my heart breaks like that time at the training camp when you came and saved me and Uraraka when I saw you like that with both arms broken, beaten, battered and bruised it hurt me to see you like that" Tsuyu says as tears flow down her face as she ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Tsuyu open up and we can talk about this ok come on please" Midoriya says with a gentle voice.

As the door unlocks and open all Midoriya sees is a crying Tsuyu with a smile on her face as she walks back to the bed with Midoriya and sits on the edge as they begin to talk.

"Tsuyu I need to ask you something if we do this would you wait until I can choose because I love you, Momo and Jiro equally but I don't know who to choose yet" Midoriya says before getting pushed down on to the bed as Tsuyu gave him a kiss with all of her passion for him before pulling away to answer.

"Yes I would Midoriya-kun now and for ever" Tsuyu said before giving him another kiss but this time he returned the passion.

As they made out on the bed Midoriya began to move his hand up Tsuyu's waist until it reached her breasts which he squeezed but what got to her was that his vampire fangs had come out and pierced her neck which caused her to moan.

"AH MIDORIYA" Tsuyu moans out.

After a few minutes of playing with Tsuyu's breasts they separate as they began to strip Midoriya removes his green top as Tsuyu removed her light blue top exposing he black lace bra which caused him to blush an even darker shade of red.

As Tsuyu looked at Midoriya she noticed his well toned body molded by years of training and all she could do was lick her lips as they both started to remove their lower clothing as Midoriya removed his black short along with his underwear and Tsuyu removed her light pink shorts and panties as they both now stood nude before each with blushes as red as a tomato.

"Tsuyu" Midoriya says softly as he walks closer.

"Midoriya" Tsuyu says as she is held by Midoriya as the kiss once again he picked Tsuyu up as she lock her legs around his waist as they fell on to the bed.

After breaking the kiss Tsuyu and Midoriya panted as he stood up and Tsuyu just gave him a smile as she spoke.

"Midoriya please be gentle" Tsuyu says as he nods as he lines himself up with her entrance.

As Midoriya pushes himself in he hits her barrier as he looks at her Tsuyu nods to tell him to do it with 1 quick thrust he broke her barrier and stayed still for a few minutes as to let Tsuyu get use to his size.

After about 20 minute she told him to move which he did in slow and gentle causing her to feel pleasure after about 30 minutes Tsuyu spoke.

"Midoriya (pant) please go (pant) harder and faster" Tsuyu says as she turns over so her chest was against the bed as he entered her again and thrust in harder and faster which caused them both to moan.

"Oh Midoriya I think I'm gonna" Tsuyu moans as she reaches her orgasm.

"Ah me too Tsuyu I'm gonna" Midoriya moans as he reaches his climax.

"I'M CUMMING" they both shout as Midoriya shoots his seed deep into Tsuyu which causes her to squirt over Midoriya's dick.

"I think we should clean up then get to bed" Midoriya says trying not to fall a sleep as Tsuyu nodded.

After about 40 minutes the both of them had washed up and went to bed were they both slept hand in hand as they gentle fell a sleep.

Hello wattpader's DemonReader2099 here just to say hope your enjoying the story and also I am willing to answer questions on any pairings and what I think of them but me personally feel that some female characters are over looked when it comes to love that's why I feel Jiro, Momo and Tsuyu are perfect pairing for Midoriya but please leave a comment.

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