Song of the heart

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It had been 3 weeks since the little moment between Midoriya, Momo and Jiro and Momo and Jiro were getting worried until Uraraka speaks out.

"Hey everyone I just heard from All Might that Deku is off sick" Uraraka says as Momo looks at Jiro with that is a lie look.

"Everyone I'm going to go see if Midoriya is feeling better" said Jiro as she shut the classroom door and started walking towards Deku's apartment.

As Jiro reaches Midoriya's home the door opens as his mother came out and saw her standing there.

"Hello I'm Inko Midoriya and you are" Inko asks with a smile on her face.

"My names Jiro kyoka I'm a friend of your son Izuku" Jiro says with a warm smile.

"Oh have you come to see Izuku he's in his room first door on the left I'm just going shopping so would you mind stopping with him" Inko asks as Jiro walks in.

"Sure I came to see if he was alright" Jiro says as Inko thanks her before closing the door behind her after Inko left Jiro started heading down the hall to Deku's room but stopped at the door after hearing a loud smashing sound come from behind the door.

"Izuku it's Jiro can I come in" Jiro asks but got no reply with a sad look slowly make it's way on her face.

"Izuku please answer me" Jiro asks again but still no reply until she decided to enter the room which was dark cutains closed and the bed was torn up like a wild animal was in the room.

"I...Izuku a...are in here" Jiro says in a tone of fear because of the state of Deku's room until she sees him with his back against the wall.

She tries to help him up but he didn't respond until Jiro saw blood running down his face as she looked round the room Jiro saw a broken mirror with blood on it which she knew was the smashing sound from earlier, she also noticed that he had wounds around his wrists that looked like rope had been tied around the which she soon found tied to the foot of the bed snapped as Jiro turned back to Izuku.

"Hey Izuku can you hear me please wake up" Jiro says as she tries to hold her tears back as he starts to move.

"J...Jiro" said a weak Midoriya as he pushes Jiro to the ground eyes glowing red and tears running down his cheeks.

"Why did you come you need to leave please" Midoriya says as he lets go of Jiro's arms until she does the unexpected and cups his face and gives him a deep passionate kiss.

after 20 minutes Jiro and Midoriya stopped their little make out time as Midoriya noticed tears forming in Jiro's eyes and a big happy smile on her face a long with a deep red blush.

"Because me and Momo love you and I know when this is over you will need to choose 1 of us to have as a girlfriend but I hope I can have a chance" she says as she guides Midoriya's left hand to her left breast as Midoriya's face was as red as a tomato.

"Midoriya will you be my first please" asked a nervous Jiro as Midoriya nodded as he began to kiss down her neck causing her to moan as Midoriya unbuttoned Jiro's school shirt revealing her purple lace bra.

Midoriya felt Jiro's hands cup his face and lead his head up to her neck as she spoke "Midoriya after 3 weeks you must be starving so please drink my blood" Jiro says as Midoriya sinks his sharp fangs into her neck causing her a little pian but also giving her a happy smile on her face.

"Jiro thank you and I promise to treat you like a princess" Midoriya says as he moves his hands down her sides to her skirt.

Midoriya slips his fingers into her skirt and slowly starts pulling it down to reveal her black panties as Jiro got on her knees and started pulling Midoriya's shorts down to reveal his boxers that had a noticable bulge in them.

"It looks like someone is happy to see me" Jiro says with a smile on her face as she and Midoriya finish stripping each other so they were completely naked.

Jiro grabbed a hold of Midoriya's cock as she put it closer to her mouth.

"Jiro" was all Midoriya could say as Jiro took his 6 inch cock in her mouth and began to move her mouth up and down his cock.

After 20 minutes Midoriya finally came in Jiro's mouth as she swallowed it down and took a breath.

"Midoriya I need you in me" Jiro says with a huge blush on her face as Midoriya placed Jiro on her back on his and then placed his cock at Jiro's entrance as she gave him a happy smile.

Midoriya pushed in carefully as possible as to not cause her to much pain but he soon came up to her wall which he knew would hurt as a sign that she had lost her virginity so he thrust quickly as to get it over with as Jiro started to cry Midoriya held her until it was ok to move.

After 30 minutes Jiro stopped crying and gave Midoriya the signal that it was ok to move and with that he began to thrust into her slow.

"Ah Jiro your so tight" Midoriya says as he thrusts his cock into Jiro.

"Ah stop ah talking ah and fuck me" Jiro says through her moans of pleasure as Midoriya picked up his pace and began thrusting faster into Jiro.

"Ah Midoriya harder" says Jiro who could not believe the pleasure she was getting.

"Ah Jiro I can't last much ah longer" says Midoriya.

"Me either lets come togther" Jiro said as Izuku nodded.

"JIRO" shouted Midoriya as he shot his seed deep into Jiro's pussy.

"MIDORIYA" shouted Jiro as she cums all over Midoriya's cock and bed as Midoriya fell beside her.

"That (breath) was out of (breath) this world" Jiro says as she tries to catch her breath after the intense sex that she had just had.

"I'm glad it was good for you Jiro-chan" Midoriya says as he and Jiro rest up ready for what would come when they met up with Momo.

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