Part 2 Jiro's love

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Jiro watched as Midoriya gave Momo a hug to calm her down but now it was Jiro's turn to tell her story.

"I guess it's my turn well I actually found out about this after I asked Midoriya and Momo about it and the day they had sex in the bathroom" Jiro says as everyone looks at them.

"Hold we only did it then because that day Tsuyu got a paper cut and triggered me to go well vampire like so I ran to the bathroom to try and change back but couldn't so Momo came looking for me and well you can guess the rest" said the panicking Midoriya.

"Any way Momo showed me what she meant when she let Midoriya bite her after that they went round the corn and I decided to go see what they were doing for the last few minutes and then I saw them and then I understood what they meant so I waited for them to finsh as they came back to me fully clothed" said a blushing Jiro as her mother walked forward.

"Oh Jiro what did you do" her mom asked as Midoriya walked next to her.

"We were talking about it when out of nowhere this guy shows up and some how could tell what I was and told us that my curse was some how affecting Momo after that I decided to stop using Momo or anyone for blood and to make sure I stayed home at school" Midoriya as both Momo and Jiro hold his hands.

"That's true my Izuku told me he wasn't feeling well so I let him stay home" Inko said as Jiro's father walk towards them.

"Ok so what happened then because Jiro told me you returned to UA" he said as Jiro spoke.

"Dad I was worried about Midoriya so I went to see him but as I got there Inko was going shopping so I stayed to see Midoriya while she was out" Jiro says as Inko nods.

"As I walked to his room I heard stuff smashing from with in his room so I called out to him but got no reply so I entered his room only to find his bed torn up and Midoriya bleeding up against the wall as I looked round I saw a broken mirror so I figured Midoriya must of changed again" Jiro said as a tear formed in her eyes.

"After that I thought it that the 3 weeks must of caused it and as I got closer to him I could see he was sick almost like the life was being sucked out of him" explained Jiro as All Might spoke.

"Based on what they told me it seemed like this ability was trying to feed on Midoriya since Midoriya refused to drink any blood" All Might say as Inko walks up to her son.

"Oh my baby Izuku" Inko says as she hugs her son with tears running dwn her face.

"Mom it's ok Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu have helped me" Izuku said to try and cheer his mom up as e never liked making her worry.

"So in the end I had Midoriya drink my blood and it was strange it was painful at first but then really good after which me had sex" Jiro said with both a blush and smile on her face.

"To be honest I think I fell in love with him because of how never gives up always changing to improve you know thought about Midoriya when it came to training he inspires me to push myself harder like when Ectoplasm had us show him how our quirks had developed and a piece of rock was going to fall on All Might I watched as Midoriya saved All Might" Jiro says as All Might smiles.

"Jiro you really love Izuku Midoriya don't you" Jiro's father says as holds his hand out to Midoriya as a sign of respect.

"Midoriya I just want say this even though I don't agree with what you and my daughter did I still respect you for treating my daughter right because when she started UA I thought she would be treated bad or maybe even lonely but after she came back from UA that day I saw a smile on her face" Jiro's father says as Midoriya shakes his hand.

"Yes our little girl told us all the fun thing that happened and how you treated her like a friend rather than a classmate now that I think of it you seemed to be the many topic in all of Jiro's stories Midoriya was amazing, Midoriya saved All Might, Midoriya this, Midoriya that oh but my favourite was Midoriya is cute and handsome" Jiro's mom says as Jiro hides her face in Midoriya's chest so nobody could see her blushing as Midoriya and Momo smiled at each other as Midoriya noticed Tsuyu away from everyone else as he walked over to her.

"Tsuyu come on I think your mom and dad need to hear this from you I promise to stand by your side" Midoriya says with a smile.

"Lets do this ribbit" Tsuyu said as they walked back over to the group ready for Tsuyu's part of the story.

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