A Secret Revealed

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Midoriya, Jiro, Tsuyu and Momo had just met up and begin to head out for answers before they knew it they had gone to many labs that was owned by former sidekicks before going back to their hotel room.

"Well that makes 9 labs and nothing no cure at any of them" Momo said as Tsuyu and Jiro waited for Midoriya to change.

"We still have time" Jiro says as she smiles at Momo.

"Jiro's right we just need to keep trying and soon we will find the cure" Midoriya said as he exited the bathroom with no shirt on as they all blushed before changing ready for bed.

Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu had fell to sleep an hour ago but Midoriya just looked out the window at the night sky before seeing an old face that was calling him. Midoriya quickly got a shirt on and ran down the stairs to meet that person as he walked out of the hotel.

"Ok I'm down here now show yourself Dean" you say as he comes out of the shadows with a smile.

"I have to say your the best but I'm not here to fight just to give you a tip" Dean said.

"What kind of tip Dean" Midoriya asked as Dean smiles.

"The kind that will end all of this if you go north from here you'll come across an old church I will be there to help you with the cure" Dean said as he walks away before Midoriya went back to his room to get some sleep before tomorrow.

-the next morning-

"WHAT DEAN TOLD YOU ABOUT A CURE" Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu shout as Midoriya told them everything before they all packed up their stuff and headed for the old church that Dean mentioned.

As they walked they all enjoyed the walk there they all felt like a weight had been lifted from them at long last they will return Midoriya to how he was before but they all wonder how Dean can help them. They all soon come face to face with the old church before walking inside before seeing Dean waiting for them.

"Looks like everyone is here good" Dean said as Momo walks in front.

"Can you cure Midoriya" Momo asked as Dean nods his head as Midoriya soon stands next to Momo with Tsuyu and Jiro.

"Ok Midoriya you need to stand here and you 3 need to stand on the points" Dean said as he drew a symbol in what looked like white powder it had a triangle with old writing a round it as Midoriya, Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu get into position as Dean stood behind them.

"Ok here goes GATE OF SKY, WATER AND EARTH HEAR MY CALL REMOVE THE POISON FROM THIS MAN AND LIFT HIM FROM THE DARK AND INTO THE LIGHT AS I CALL HIS NAME IZUKU MIDORIYA" Dean shout the chant as the wind blew harder before Momo, Jiro, Tsuyu and Midoriya start to glow.

Soon the glow around Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu starts to turn into a circle before connecting with Midoriya before a black smoke started to come form him. As the smoke appeared Midoriya started to change into his vampire form before seeing it disappear along with that black smoke before the smoke and the glow was gone.

"There all done you should be alright now the curse was lifted what I just did was call the cure of love it takes the bond of people in love in order to work and the more the better" Dean said as Momo, Tsuyu and Jiro hug Midoriya before seeing Dean pull a device from his pocket.

"What is that" Midoriya asked.

"Might as well tell you this is my time watch I came from the future to help you" Dean said before to little girls appear and stand next to him.

"And these are my little sisters Zoey and Jessica" Dean said as they waved at them.

"Dean before you go who sent you and what is your names" Midoriya asked as the portal opens.

"My dad sent me here as for our name they are Zoey, Jessica and Dean Midoriya we are your kids" Dean said as Zoey and Jessica leave.

"Zoey is Tsuyu's daughter, Jessica is Jiro's daughter and I'm Momo's son but you will meet us again soon dad" Dean said before leaving throught the portal as well before it closed as they stood in shock before heading home.

After the 4 of them got home they told All Might and their parents everything that had happened which shocked them not only was Dean from the future but he had sisters that were Midoriya's kids.

-couple years later-

It had been 4 years since Midoriya was cured and over that time things had real changed they all graduated from UA and where pursuing their dreams all of the former class 1-A meet up now and again.

Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu had got married to Midoriya 3 years ago before graduating and now have kids and they live with both love and excitement as they move forward.

Momo started training her own sidekick as she worked with Midoriya, Jiro and Tsuyu. Jiro was doing great at stealth mission, Tsuyu was doing rescue missions with the pro heroes she interned and as for Midoriya he took up the title All Might gave him as the new symbol of peace soon Deku became known as the no.1 hero but the 4 of them had 1 more job and that was to teach students at UA and Midoriya was given the class 1-A as his home room.

As he looked at the new heroes in train he remembered all the times he spent with his classmates as he smiled as his new student got ready to learn from the new symbol of peace.

"Ok student as of this moment your all heroes in training but remember this some day all of you will leave here and become heroes but never forget no matter what your quirk is or how strong it is the real thing that wins battles against villians is the will to protect those in need" Midoriya said as his students got inspired and the new generation of heroes is born.


Hope you enjoyed it please leave comments and take a look at some of my works on my profile from DemonReader2099.

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