Chapter 13- The Sketch Book

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 (Narrators POV)

Cheryl Blossom has always enjoyed drawing. It has always been her escape from the world and her pain. She drew in her sketch book after she got raped, after she figured out she was pregnant, when ever she would get bullied real bad, and before and after court with Archie. But right now she was drawing not because of pain, but because of happiness. A happiness that her girlfriend, Toni Freaking Topaz, the bad, serpent girl that was feared by so many people, made her feel. She hasn't felt this happiness and love since her parents died. Not even Betty or Jason made her feel the way Toni did. Toni made her feel special and loved. Cheryl draws a large assortment of things from flowers to people. Right now she is drawing the love of her life. To Cheryl, Toni is the most perfect person ever, from her smile to the way her hair flowed.

"Whatcha doing?" Toni asks walking up to Cheryl. Once Cheryl heard her voice she slammed her sketchbook shut and answered, "Nothing." She still hasn't told Toni that she draws.

"You're clearly doing something," Toni says pointing at the sketchbook, "So I'm gonna ask you again princess, what were you doing?"

"I'm serious, it was nothing," Cheryl says getting out of her chair at her desk.

Toni crosses her arms, "Its not nothing Cheryl."

"Yes it is. It doesn't matter," Cheryl says dropping her head so she's staring at the floor, "I'm not good anyways."

"Good at what?"

"This," Cheryl says still keeping her eyes on the floor but handing Toni her sketchbook.

Toni starts flipping through it and her eyes light up with awe. She flips to an eye about the size of the book and in it she sees so much detail; she even thinks she can kinda see an outline of a person in it.

"Oh my god! These are fabulous Cher-," Toni suddenly stops when she gets to a page that says "Toni Section ❤".

"NO! Don't look in that part!" Cheryl yells realizing what part Toni is at and it makes her feel embarassed even though she's her girlfriend.

"Why not Cheryl?"

"Jus-just because i-its embarassesing and b-bad," Cheryl stutters snatching the book out of Toni's hands.

"Cheryl," Toni says gazing upward into Cheryl's eyes, "you are the BEST artist I have EVER met."

Cheryl smiles and then hands Toni the sketch book. When Toni opens the sketch book to the "Toni Section" she is in awe at how well Cheryl drew her. In her drawings you can see all the little details on Toni's face. The details one could only see if they concentrated really hard and just looked at her face for a long time. As Toni is flipping through all the sketches and drawings about her she gets to a particular one that has writing next to it. "Toni talked to me today and I felt like I was going to die. She's just so beautiful and nice. She stood up for me and no one ever does that. She even winked at me and I think I had a mini heart attack!"

Toni looks up at Cheryl then continues to turn through the pages. She sees another page with writing on it, "Toni has been soooo great lately. She's been bringing me food when I feel to sick to get out of bed, helping me when I pass out, standing up for me, helping me through my hard times, and she just does every thing for me. I don't just love her, I am in love with her. Im so greatful for everything she has done for me and for just her."

"Do you really feel this way?" Toni asks Cheryl looking back up at her.

"You weren't supposed to read that," Cheryl says quietly still looking down at her feet.

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