Chapter 16- rEgInALd & BOMBSHELL

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(Jason's POV)

It's the first snowfall of the winter which is weird because it's February and it usually snows in early December from what Cheryl tells me. Speaking of Cheryl, I'm glad that we can finally live with each other again. We haven't lived together since our parents died. Also I'm so mad about what happened with Archie. I still want to beat the crap out of him. He hurt my sister so of course I'm mad as hell. I also hate that because of Archie's actions, Cheryl is pregnant but she seems to be taking it well. Even though she never wanted the baby I can tell she loves it a lot already. I'm also happy that Cheryl found someone as great as Toni to be in a relationship with.

"Jason! It's almost 8! We gotta go! Toni has an early detention from MISSING class!" I hear Cheryl yell to me from her bedroom.

"Okay I'm ready!" I tell her as I walk out of my bedroom.

"CHER!" Toni yelled up the stairs.

"Yeah?" Cheryl asked as she ran out of her room and got to the top of the stairs.

"Your car's battery is dead so we're gonna have to take my truck just so you know," Toni said to her.

"Do you need help cleaning the snow off of your truck?" I asked Toni.

"Yeah, that would be great Jason," Toni said as she started to walk out the door.

I went outside along with Toni to help clean the snow off of her truck. We were almost done when I said to Toni, "I'm glad youre here for Cher. And thank you for sticking with her and being there for her through all of the stuff that has happened and is happening. She likes you a lot. You do not know how much she used to talk about you. Even before you guys started dating."


"Yeah. She would talk about you constantly. Like everytime we would talk on the phone she would say one thing or multiple things about you."

"She didn't tell me about you till like 5 minutes before we met," Toni said with a chuckle.

"That sounds like typical Cheryl. Not really telling people the important things that they should know about. Like she never told me about Archie or the baby until I got here the night we met. Remember that?" I said and she nodded and laughed, "I asked about Archie then you all got silent. Then she told me. I'm still shocked from that."

"Yeah. We sorta broke up for like a minute when I figured out that she was pregnant because I thought she cheated," Toni told me as she got the last of the snow off of the windsheild.

"Really? Well we should get going and this conversation is getting depressing," I said as I opened the passenger door to her truck.

"Yeah and I'll go get Cher," Toni said as she set the snow scraper in the bed of the truck.

I get into the truck and start it. Then a couple minutes later Toni and Cheryl finally leave the house and get in the truck. We leave the house and go to school. Once we get inside the school Toni goes to serve her morning detention and Cheryl and I go to talk to our friends.

As Cher and I are walking down the hall Reggie rams his shoulder into her causing her to fall into me and I catch her and then Reggie says laughing, "Watch where you're going slut. We wouldn't want you or your bastard to get hurt now would we?"

Once he says that Cheryl starts to cry and and stare at her feet.

"What did you just say to her?!" I yell and push him.

"Your sister is a s-l-u-t, slut. She had sex with Andrews then said that she was raped by him just so her dyke bitch of a girlfriend wouldn't break up with her. Oh and she was probably asha-" Reggie was saying when Cheryl punched him in the nose as hard as she could. Reggie grabbed his nose which was now bleeding profusely. Its honestly probably broken because of how much it's bleeding and who knows how much force Bombshell can use.

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