The Parade

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I pushed my way through the crowd to find Gale. But I was interrupted by a tall capitol woman calling my name. She grabbed my arm and said that I had to follow her. She led me to a tall building near the tribute area.

We entered and she led me down a dark hall. She opened the door at the end of the hallway.  The room was full of dresses and note books. The woman looked at me and said,"This was Cinna's work room you're free to look around."

I looked at the woman and I asked,"Who are you?"

She replied with a deep sadness in her voice,"I'm Estella, Cinna's sister. You can call me Stella if you would like."

I looked at her quizzically, she then added,"I'm your new stylist."

I replied,"Do you know what Cinna's fate was."

Stella looked at me sadly and replied in a sad voice,"After he was taken they beat him and used small volts of electricity on him. Then they set the fire mutts on him, after that he was barely alive and then they sicked mutations on him."

My eyes were filled with tears as she said that. Once she was done I sat down on a couch at the end of the room, my body was racked in sobs. I was so shaken and disturbed that anyone would do that to Cinna I was speechless.

Stella came over and whispered in my ear,"This is the way he'd want to go. I believed that but, it was still terrible.

She then helped me up and told me to choose a dress to wear to the Parade tomorrow.  I looked through all the dresses, they were all so beautiful. One was red with a flowery black pattern, another was a red and white strapless dress. But one caught my eye, it was a black dress with golden flames climbing up it. It had gold shoes and a black hairpiece with my mockingjay on it.

My prep team finished and put my hair back, added black eyeliner, and golden eyeshadow.  I entered the walled off area for the gamemakers, then the Parade began each tribute had its own chariot.  Some tributes stood and waved graciously while others sat defiantly. I watched the tributes as they approaced. Olive Evans had a red gown and her hair in a bun. Branden Jasper had a black tux on and minimal makeup. Garion Kilgore had a red suit on and his face was covered in dark makeup.

Azul Smith had a green dress that was cut too low in my opinion. Alana Mayline had a black and white dress that went well above her knees. Justin Tomas had a black suit with a blue flame, but it kept flickering and went out half way through. It wasn't quite Cinna worthy. 

The Parade ended and Plutarch said,"This being the last games, we came up with a new idea for the games. The gamemakers will be the victors of the past games and major people of the Rebellion."

I felt my heart stop, I would have to be a gamemaker. This was worse then having to just watch the games.

Plutarch pulled me, Beetee, Johanna, and Gale aside. "You will be the gamemakeres in the arena it will have parts of each of your games in it."

Gale replied,"Why am I a part of this?"

Plutarch said,"Because you were a major part of the Rebellion, you kept Katniss sane."

I spit back,"Am I not sane, am I crazy, and am I uncontrollable to you."

Gale stepped forward and kissed me,"You may be but, thats just the way I like it."

I felt a little better and less flustered. Plutarch then added,"The Arena will have a section with a electric force field, a large lake, a forest full of deadly Tracker Jackers, and fire mutts.

My body shuddered as he said fire mutts, without thinking I looked at the scars from the mutts on my arms. One look was all it took to send me back into the memory, I quickly tore my gaze away from the scars.

"The Tributes begin training tomorrow, be there on time." Plutarch added.

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