Kenna's Ways

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Nathan, Olive, and Aaron were sitting around the edge of the Cornucopia watching Kenna setting something up she said would be useful. Kenna yelled,"Bring the crippled idiot!"

Kenna sat him down and whispered in Mason's ear,"I'm going to put a knife to your throat and hold it there. If you try to move or fall asleep the knife that is rested against your throat will go deeper. Once your bloody enough and in enough pain and having breathing issues from the hole in you neck. I'll start to play with you as a cat does a mouse, my hand with the dagger being the cat your soft flesh the mouse. Okay?" I wish I couldn't have heard her, but the look she gave to the camera it was clear that she had wanted to let the viewers hear.

Mason raised his head and nodded, the fear clear in his eyes. It was obvious that he was going to be one of the first few to die but I didn't think that he would be... tortured.

She got up and said in an overly excited tone,"Is everyone ready?"

She sat him down and put a collar on his neck that had a piece of a knife blade that dug into his neck. She kept it there as long as she said she would. When she took off the device his neck was all red and bleeding with a large deep cut in his throat. She then grabbed a dagger and rubbed the smooth against his cheek. She carefully started to cut lines into his cheek, then it hit me, she was playing a game of tic-tac-toe of his face. I held in my breakfast, watching the blood pour from his face and throat was repulsing. Once he was having issues breathing due to the large wound in his neck, she finally then tied a rope around his arms and legs. Then she had Nathan and Aaron run in two different directions. A loud pop sounded from Mason and then his cannon sounded.

The other tributes looked at her they had a look of disgust on their faces, they grabbed their weapons and turned on her. Olive turns to her and says,"We don't do that that is not the way of the games."

They chased Kenna out of the Cornucopia area and threatened to kill her if she came back. Kenna had a bow, severak daggers, a length of rope, and several spikes.

It was hard for me to watch that, that girl wanted to kill me and now she has tortured a poor, helpless boy.

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