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I walked into the gamemakers area and walked close to the force field. Suddenly I fell back, a sharp pain ripped across my shoulder. Gale helped me up and called the medics. They stitched up my shoulder and gave me pain medication. Beetee said it was Kenna Crooks who threw the knife.

I looked below and saw Kenna Crooks staring up at me smirking, her eyes filled with hate and something that I coudn't quite put my finger on. Gale pulled me back and kissed me gently on the lips. He asked,"Are you ok Catnip?"

I looked into his eyes and said,"I am now."

In the background Johanna clears her throat and says rudely, "Are you two done yet. We are suppose to be watching the tributes."

Me and Gale separated and watched the tributes below.  Branden Jasper smiled up at me and then we threw a dagger and hit the dummy straight in the throat. I then notice he was seventeen just like me yet he was so small. Gale then diverted my attention to Kenna Crooks who was practicing how to hang someone using a dummy, her fingers flew as they made a near perfect noose. Then she grabbed a dummy looked at me and with red paint wrote my name across the dummies chest before hoisting the dummy up causing it to dangle from the rope.

Then I heard a sound that  sounded like someone crying and noticed Mason Johnson in the corner surrounded by Nathan Dallas, Ali London, and Aaron Jays. They were taking turns kicking him and calling him rude names. I yelled to the trainers,"Someone help him!"

None of them responded, I ran down from the gamemakers area to the training area before anyone could react to me leaving. I slammed the door open and ran to where Mason was laying and I yelled at them to leave him alone. They glared at me and Ali London spat at me,"Make us."

I ran over to the archery station and grabbed a bow and quiver. I yelled,"Come at me!"

Someone came behind me and I spun around to see Branden Jasper he grinned,"I'm here to help."

He was armed with as short sword and two daggers. I nodded and said," Thanks, but I'm good."

Ali and Aaron stepped back but, Nathan stayed there and said,"I'm not scared of some idiot with a bow and her little friend." He spit at Branden and he advanced forward. I stopped him and muttered,"Keep it for the games."

I then raised my bow at his throat and said," Do you understand?" They both nodded, I ran back to the Gamemakers area and walked up the stairs.

Gale grabbed my arm and said,"What were you doing you could of been killed?" I looked at him saw the pain in his eyes, if I'd died it would have killed him.

I looked at him and said,"No one was going to hurt me."

He replied seriously,"You're wrong."

I questioned him,"What do you mean?"

He said,"Kenna started advancing toward you with a knife held low. She would have killed you if you took any longer."

I now understood and I whispered,"I'm sorry for that Gale."

He nodded,"As long as your okay, I'm fine. Please be careful in the future, please Katniss."

I muttered,"I will." He smiled.

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