The Blood Bath

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It was the first day of the games and I was seated in the gamemakers area ready to see everything at every possible view.

I saw the tributes enter the arena, it was a meadow full of dandelions with trees around the edge. The tributes were sizing each other up.

The gong sounded and everyone ran out to the Cornucopia. Kenna Crooks,  Nathan Dallas, Olive Evans, and Macey Morgan made it to the Cornucopia first. Olive grabbed a sword and slashed Macey across the chest, she fell to the ground. Her cannon sounded. Kenna, Nathan, and Olive stood in a circle ready to kill anyone in their path.

Jake Allen came running forward towards the three tributes and was about to say something when Kenna ripped through his throat with her arrow. Aaron Jays came forward fighting with them, they were an alliance. Adam Lane grabbed a bag and started running only to have a dagger thrown into his back by Olive.

Branden ran through the Cornucopia and grabbed a  black bag and a bow. He then shot an arrow at Aaron, skinning his arm, letting Mitchell Andrews out of his grip. Mitchell ran for the trees only to be followed by Justin Tomas, who was armed with a sword and two daggers. A cannon sounded a few minutes later, but it was Justin's not Mitchell's.

Garion Kilgore grabbed a sword and axe, he then killed Eddie Larsen with a thrust of his sword into his abdomen.  Ali London grabbed four knifes and a green bag, she ran for the edge of the trees. Jade Eli grabbed a long, crude dagger and cut into Sarah Derse's shoulder. Sarah ran to the edge with a shallow cut on her shoulder. A second later Kenna shot Ali with an arrow it hit her heart, her cannon sounded.

Mason Johnson was taken by Kenna and tied up in the Cornucopia. I was scared for him, she would make him pay.

6 dead, 1 injured, and 1 captive in a matter of minutes.

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