The Fire Mutts

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Azul looked at them and screamed,"Run its the fire mutts!" A cannon sounded in the background but, it wasn't Azul it was Violet Marks's.

A fire ball flew and hit Jake in the side he dropped to the ground screaming. Branden's arms were covered in burns and he suddenly hit the ground because Azul knocked into him. Azul was hit with a fireball in the face and her cannon sounded.

Branden lay on the ground moaning and then he saw Jake fall again with his face burnt to a crisp. Jake tried to say something put failed, his cannon boomed through the trees. A siren wailed and it was all over, the fire balls had stopped.

Brandon sat up he was crying and screaming. Then a parachute floated down and landed by him it was a burn cream. He rubbed it on his arms and neck.

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