The Final Battle

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Nathan began walking to the Cornucopia when he entered the dark part of the forest. He then stepped right into a leg trap, he flew up in the air.

He saw Kenna come out of the bushes. She yelled,"I bet you wish you hadn't kicked me out. Let me guess your little Olive died."

Nathan spit at her and screamed because Kenna had thrown a dagger into his leg. She let him down and then she threw a rock at him, knocking him out. She then grabbed a needle full of Tracker Jacker venom and injected into his arm.

It had been a sponsor gift. Nathan lay on the ground convulsing and finally died.

Kenna then walked to the Cornucopia. She found Garion Kilgore standing near the end of the horn armed with a sword and a spear. He approached her and said,"Ready to die wench."

Kenna replied, "It'll be your death today not mine asshole." Garion glared at her and threw his spear at her it glanced of her arm. Kenna threw her dagger at him and it missed.

Garion grabbed her hair and hit her head into the ground, dazing her. He grabbed a dagger and dug it into her skin carving into her arms and face. She tried getting up and he said,"Fine wench I guess your ready to die."

He grabbed the knife and slashed it across her throat, covering himself in her blood.

Garion then he started advancing toward Branden and saw he only had a dagger. He threw one of his daggers and it hit Branden's ear, his ear was bleeding heavily.

Branden grabbed his bow hidden beside him and shot Garion in the chest with his bow. The cannon boomed.

Branden was the victor.

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