The Death of Two Swans

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Cass Davids and Eliza Cardon were running through the woods with there white hair flying through the wind. They were following Branden Jasper when suddenly Eliza's leg was caught in a trap. She was suddenly hanging upside down,Jake Daves jumped out of the bushes and stabbed her in the back, he dragged the knife down her back.

Her cannon sounded and Cass ran away screaming. Cass She then ran into Branden and threw her knife at him, he ducked and shot an arrow. It hit her in the side, her eyes glazed over and she fell to a heap on the ground. 

Jake followed the screams and found Branden standing there smiling at him. Jake yelled,"Let's begin know shall we!"

Jake ran forward and threw his knife at Branden. He ducked down and shot an arrow at Jake, it missed by a few centimeters. Jake was about to throw another knife when a loud siren blared. They were stuck in this section of the forest unsure what to do.

Then they heard a scream and saw Azul Smith running towards them covered in burns.

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