The Three Deaths

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Sarah, Branden, Mitchell, and Ocean created an alliance. They were scouting out an area for themselves in the dark part of the forest. When they heard a dark sounding cackle. "You've entered my area full of my traps prepare to die!"

The speaker was Kenna Crooks. She looked like a dark demon in the fading light. "Who wants to die first?"She cackled.

They all looked at her in disbelief. 

"No takers really, fine."Kenna said.

"Here's the order in which you'll die. First Ocean, next Mitchell, then Sarah, and finally Branden," She laughed.

She grabbed Ocean by her orange hair and said sickly,"I'm first going to carve my dagger into every detail of your tattoos. Then I'm going to shoot you in the throat with an arrow."

Ocean's screams echoed through the trees, she was covered in blood. Then Kenna pushed her into a tree and let Ocean sink to the ground. She stood above her and looked into her eyes there was no mercy. She then shot an arrow through her throat.

A cannon sounded she turned to Mitchell and said,"I'm going to break your arm again and then I'm going to break your long legs. Then I'm going to hang you from that tall tree over their."

Kenna grabbed Mitchell's arm and twisted it back. He screamed like bloody murder and then she grabbed a large rock and threw it down on his legs. A loud crack echoed through the forest. Kenna then hung him high in the trees, he struggled in the trees,"D- Don't play with me...! Just k- kill me!"

Kenna smirked,"As you wish," she shot him in the head with an arrow.

She grabbed Sarah's injured shoulder and plunged a knife into it. She smiled at Sarah and said,"I'm going to have fun killing you."

Sarah whimpered and Kenna threw her into a tree. She lay there dazed and then Kenna began to carve flowers into her skin. Kenna almost sang,"Now you will look like your interview outfit forever!"

Sarah's blood curdling scream filled the grove of trees. Then Kenna impaled her on a group of spikes. She spit at Sarah and said,"How's that for winning for sure."

The cannon sounded and she turned to Branden. She said,"I'll show you what happens to people who help Katniss Everdeen." She picked him up easily and threw him into the ground, knocking the wind out of him.

He got up and tripped Kenna as she ran at him. He then grabbed his bow and quiver and ran away from the clearing. Kenna began to quietly follow him.

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