The Score

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I walked down the hall to my bathroom to take more pain medication for my shoulder. It had been three days since the mishap at  training. Today we access the tributes skills. I grabbed a glass and filled it with the cold water and swallowed the pain medication.

I got dressed and went to wake up Gale, he saw me and said,"Are you ready to access the tributes scores?"

I shrugged before I replied with,"I guess so, hopefully Kenna doesn't try to kill me again."

He looked at me stern-fully and said,"Don't joke about that Katniss."

I quickly replied,"Sorry."

We headed to the gamemakers area and watched as the first tribute entered. Katie Welton was first and tried to throw at spear at a target and missed five times. I felt sorry for her, she got a three. Next was Alana Mayline, she threw a dagger at a target and hit  the edge. She then grabbed a gold paint container and drew the Panem crest, she then walked out, she got a five.

Ocean Tomson went to the pool in the corner and swam a few laps and stayed under for awhile, she got a six. Violet Marks grabbed a bow and shot six dummies in the chest and then skewered three dummies throats. She did very well and got a nine.

Olive Evans grabbed a sword and stabbed a dummy and chopped off its head . She then went to the paint area and painted her arm blue like water, she got a seven. Jade Eli grabbed four daggers and threw them into the throats of four separate dummies. At the end she smiled up at us and said,"I hope you enjoy my work." We gave her nine.

Ali London got a dummy and tied a cement block to its feet and threw him in the pool after hitting it with the end of a knife in its head, she got an eight. Macey Morgan went to the fishing area and made a fishing lure and then used to skewer a dummies neck. She got a seven for her work.

Eliza Cardon got a length of rope and made a human leg trap that would tie the victim up and  would tighten on the leg and stop the blood flow. She got a ten. Sarah Derse got six knifes and tried hitting the dummy and missed every time and tripped on the way out. She got a two.

Kenna Crooks got a dummy and drew a mockingjay on it and then shot it several times with a bow and filled its head with knifes. She then grabbed it and drowned it in the pool. Finally she yelled,"The games have just begun, this will not end them!" She was given an eleven.

Jake Allen ripped a dummies head from its shoulders and threw a hundred and fifty pound weight thirty feet. He gained an eleven. Mitchell Andrews started a fire and used a sword to decapitated a dummy. He scored an eight. Adam Lane threw three spears and hit two of the targets, he then hung a dummy. He scored himself a six.

Branden Jasper came in  and threw ten knifes into into separate dummies hitting them square in the chest. He then got a bow and shot ten arrows each hitting the center of the target. At the end he looked up at me and smiled, he scored an eleven.

All Jake Daves did was go to the pool and swim. That scored him a three. Aaron Jays got a bow and shot at the force field and yelled,"I'm going to kill everyone in the arena. Even your short idiot friend and the crippled boy." He scored a two. 

Justin Tomas got a sword and sliced threw a dummies chest and then gutted it. He scored a five. Mason Johnson sat by the door and did nothing, he got a one. Eddie Larsen threw knifes at the dummies and then got an axe and threw it at the wall. He scored a five.

Garion Kilgore had a bow and hit nine targets in a row and then threw four knifes at a dummies head. He got a ten. Nathan Dallas got a sword and rapidly stabbed a dummy and then threw the sword at the wall. He scored a eight. 

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