letter 4

61 1 1

| 47 days before |

Dear Calum,

        Thanks for messing up my 1 week streak of not writing. but this is important.

        don't ever talk to me again.

        you got me into some mild shît today which was really rude.

        but wow ef you.

okay so today on the bus stop, you kept talking to me. i mean after i ignored you for 7 days, i guess you were wondering why.

        so ya, you asked me what my scheldule was...told me who were the good teacher and who were the bad. (the only reason why there was a bad list was because they sent you to detention). then you kept laughing, and when you laughed, i laughed. and there we were, 2 teenagers laughing. but we forgot that makenna was on the bus.

        after we got off the bus and seperated, i was smiling so much. my friends were smiling too. it was a good day so far.

        ...that was until your girlfriend (why would you date makenna a week later, stupid), kindly got up in my history class and humiliated me infront of everyone. she was jealous. she even told me to, "stay away from calum." like wow okay. i guess she owns you now. but i would've seen a pricetag on you right? if you were an item i wouldve claimed you awkwardly first.

        oh wait, im too young for you. oh wait, she is too. oh wait, i just realized youre dating a sophomore. oh wait, that makes you look really bad. oh wait...i wish you wouldve done that for me.

        i wont tell you how. maybe somebody from the class will tell you. or even better, makenna makes up some shîtty lie. idk.

        i ended up crying and now im in the girls bathroom finishing this pathetic letter. youve made me so happy...but youre slowly ruining my life, calum.

        so tomorrow im planning on switching seats. maybe you and her could make out or something i dont care.

ive never hated someone within a 13 day span. thats bad.

        okay calum, have fun with your bîtch.

-nia x

        *p.s. if i was able to draw the middle finger i would, but im too sad to draw and the only thing i can draw is a flower. so fück you and your girlfriend.




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