Chapter 26

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If Draco thought things would calm down after the interview, he was sorely mistaken. Next came the waiting. Two whole weeks of anticipation while they interviewed more candidates, reviewed notes, and contacted references.

Hermione's nerves were shattered after the first day. Her anxiety skyrocketed. Draco hadn't thought it was possible for her to get more wound up, but each passing day proved him wrong.

Part of him wondered if it would've been kinder to give her some time off. That way she wouldn't almost pass out every time a memo flew through the door. He knew she would be even worse at home though, with no work to distract her. Plus this way he could ensure she ate at least one meal a day.

On the 2nd of December, a paper bird fluttered onto Hermione's desk. Draco stared intently at it as he waited for Hermione to return from the supply cupboard. His emotions were in turmoil.

"There's no black, so we're on bl-"

Rolls of parchment tumbled out of Hermione's hands. A jar of blue ink shattered onto the carpet.

"Is that...?"

"Arrived a few minutes ago."

"Oh my God."


Hermione stood in the threshold, clutching at the door-frame until her knuckles turned white. Draco walked over and carefully took her by the shoulders. He forced her to look at him, staring deep into her dark-brown eyes.

"Breathe, Granger," he commanded.

Hermione took a few shuddery breaths. Once he was sure she wasn't going to keel over, Draco moved her to her chair. Her gaze was fixed on the piece of parchment.

"It's not going to read itself," Draco said.

Hermione firmly straightened her shoulders and picked up the memo. It was only a few lines long.

"I've got a meeting with Mrs Hussain at three."

They turned in unison to the clock on the wall. She had forty minutes.

Leaving Hermione to collect herself, Draco cleaned up the scattered stationary. He quickly vanished the broken glass and pool of ink. Glancing at Hermione, he saw she had ink stains splattering her shoes and trousers. He crouched down and cleaned those up too.

"Thanks," Hermione said. She was absently fidgeting with her earring.

"That's ok. How about we go for a cup of tea while you wait?"

Hermione nodded, moving mechanically. Draco's hand rested briefly on her waist as he gently guided her out of the office.


The Ministry canteen was a huge room with canvases on the white walls. Each painting depicted witches and wizards in an important moment in magical history. Hermione usually complained about the lack of diversity. Every time she would have a different example of pivotal beings and their own history, unrelated to humans.

Today Hermione was silent. She sat with her hands wrapped around the weak mug of tea. For once, she didn't even comment on the Ministry's use of house-elves to cook and serve food.

Draco reached across the table to squeeze her hand. She jumped and looked up at him. She'd clearly forgotten he was there. She didn't pull away, and instead twined her fingers through his.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," Hermione visibly refocused her attention to their surroundings. "The elves look happier, don't you think? I'm glad the Work Equality Act got passed through."

Draco relaxed at the glimmer of her normal behaviour. He shifted to look at the large-eared elves bustling around the canteen. His knee brushed against hers.

"I mean, did it ever stand a chance?" Draco said. "After all, it was personally backed by three of the biggest war heroes of our time..."

"Pfft, don't be absurd! The 'Beings' division did all the work. Me, Harry and Ron just voiced our support! And I hate it when people call us that."

"Uh huh. And the heart-wrenching article in 'The Daily Prophet' about Dobby's noble sacrifice wasn't even a little factor?"

"That was Harry, not me!" Hermione protested. They both knew it had been her idea.

"Yeaaah, sure. I always knew there was a little bit of Slytherin in you, Granger." He smirked as she glared at him. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm happy the elves have mandated minimum wage, sick pay and time off. I was just admiring your tactics."

Hermione scowled over the top of her mug as she drained the tea. She looked at her watch and scrambled to her feet.

"Good luck," Draco called after her. His hand felt cold and empty without hers in it.


"I got the job!"

Hermione ran into the office shrieking. A large envelope was hugged to her chest. Her eyes shone and a huge smile adorned her face. She dropped into her chair, bouncing it slightly.

"Thank Merlin for that!" Draco cried. He dramatically laid his hand across his forehead, pretending to sag with relief. He hid his disappointment that she didn't hug him again.

Hermione threw a ball of parchment at him. He lazily grabbed it out of the air and she pouted. The downward turn of her lips soon quirked upwards again. She was too excited to even fake otherwise. She kept gazing wonderingly at the envelope in her hands.

"I'll finally get some peace around here," Draco teased. "When do you start?"

"I transfer on Monday!"

"That's a bit quick, isn't it?" Draco frowned slightly. "It's Friday!"

"Guess they want me to have a couple weeks to settle in before the Ministry closes for Christmas," Hermione shrugged.

She closed her eyes and spun slowly around on her chair. Her curls swayed as she moved. Draco watched the way her dark skin glowed in the light. His gaze travelled down the elegant curve of her neck, to her fingers wrapped around the envelope in her lap. Ginny had treated her to another spa appointment. Her nails were gold, picking up the rich undertones in her brown hands.

"Me and some friends are going to get some drinks tonight," Hermione said, looking at him through her long lashes. "Want to come along?"

"Me? Really?" Draco was stunned. "Er, sure? Yeah? I mean...if that's ok with your friends? I don't want to make things awkward or whatever."

"It'll be fine, don't worry about it."

"Sounds great then."

Hermione and Draco turned back to their desks, both smiling. Hermione started examining the contents of her envelope. It was an offer letter and contract. She signed it with a flourish.

Draco stared blankly at the report he was meant to be working on. He was nervous about the upcoming evening. He told himself it was the thought of putting up with Potter and Weasley for a few hours.

He refused to even think about Monday.

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