Chapter 40

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"What do you mean you 'don't remember'?" Harry thundered.

Draco leaned against the edge of a heavy desk, watching Harry pace around the office. Shelves of untouched books lined one wall. Another was covered in large maps of the UK with colourful pins and lines of string. Draco assumed they related to different crimes Harry's team were investigating.

"Exactly that," Draco snarled. He ran a hand through his hair. "I remember leaving the merfolk meeting and then nothing until I was on the ferry home!"

"That was over a week later!"

"So you keep shouting!"

Harry stopped and frowned at Draco. Harry's hair was messy and his green eyes flashed angrily. Draco knew Harry had never learned to trust him. They came to an uneasy truce years earlier while they searched for Hermione, but nothing more. A strange tug pulled at Draco as he thought about her. He shook it off and focused on the short, fuming wizard in front of him.

"And then I found this in my coat pocket!" Draco continued.

Draco thrust a piece of paper into Harry's hand. He folded his arms and watched as Harry examined it closely, then flipped it over. He squinted at the name on the back.

"Who the hell is 'Althea'?"

"I don't know!" Draco yelled. "That's what I'm trying to tell you! But you're not listening to a damn-"

A knock on the office door interrupted them. Harry's blonde-haired assistant peeked her head in. She looked nervously between the two red-faced men glaring at each other. She quietly cleared her throat.

"Sorry to interrupt-"

"Now's not a good time," Harry snapped, not taking his eyes from Draco.

Normally his sharp tone would send his assistant running back to her desk, but she stood her ground. Draco glanced over and saw strange smile was on her face.

"You've got a visitor," she continued, ignoring Harry's comment. "I really think you ought to see them."

Before Harry could respond, she flung the door open wider. The woman stepped aside.

Behind her, a terrified looking witch stood holding the hand of a wide-eyed little girl.

"Hello," Hermione whispered. "There's someone I'd like you both to meet."

The End

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