Chapter 29

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Draco woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. He had vague memories of dancing with Hermione in some club, then sneaking into an alley to apparate back to his city flat. They had been too busy making out for Hermione to scold him for apparating while drunk.

He remembered the hours that followed very clearly. A giddy smile crossed his face and he reached out across the bed. When his fingers closed on air, he opened his eyes.

Draco squinted around his bedroom. Bright sunlight poured through the open curtains, hurting his head. The other side of his bed was empty and the sheets were cold.


Draco tugged a pyjama trousers on and stumbled out of the bedroom. He looked around his silent apartment, picking up his abandoned clothes. They were strewn everywhere but hers weren't among them.

Hermione was nowhere to be found.


Hermione walked quickly towards the nearby train station. Her head was throbbing and she felt too dizzy to apparate home. Her hands were buried deep inside the pockets of a jacket she'd borrowed from Draco's wardrobe. The morning was cold and brisk and her breath came out in puffs of silver. Hermione felt her phone buzz in her bag.

"Hey Harry," she said with false brightness. "What's up?"

"Hi Hermione, I am so sorry about last night!"

"Nah, it's fine, don't worry about it. We'll just have to go out another time!"

Hermione turned onto another street and saw the station ahead. There were hardly any people around - most were still fast asleep at this time on a Saturday. Her heels clopped smartly on the pavement. She hoped Harry couldn't hear them.

'Yeah, about that..." Harry said, slowly. "That's why I'm...are you outside? What are you doing up so early?"

"Oh, yeah, um...I'm just...taking a walk. You know, exercise is good and all that. So, er, what were you calling about?"

Harry paused, and Hermione felt the silence stretching between them. She clenched her hands. They were clammy with nerves.

"We're being sent out on assignment," Harry told her at last. "A long one."

"Oh? How long for?"

Hermione pushed open the door to the station and stepped up to the ticket machine. She tapped in her destination as she waited for Harry to reply, hoping no loudspeaker announcements would give her away.

"Six months. At least."

"Six-. Oh, wow!" Hermione's heart sank. "Both of you? When do you leave?"

"Monday. And yeah, me and Ron are both on the team."

"Well. We'll just have to go out for drinks when you get back then. Six months is hardly any time at all." Hermione rushed through the station towards her platform, trying to keep her tone light. "You're spending the weekend with Ginny, I assume?"

"Well, we're going for Sunday dinner at The Burrow. You coming?"

"Definitely, I'll be there!"

"Great, see you tomorrow!"

"Ok, bye!"

Hermione hung up and sank onto a cold bench, blinking away tears. She could feel her stomach churning. She wasn't sure if it was the hangover or anxiety.

"First a new job, now this?!" Hermione muttered, running a hand through her hair. She winced as her fingers caught on her matted curls.


A/N: Sorry this is only a short chapter, but the last few were longer than usual so I hope that makes up for it! Don't forget to vote & comment if you're enjoying the story. Much love, Charli

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