Chapter 11

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On Thursday, Draco arrived at work with both his hands heavily bandaged. His face was even paler than normal.

"Oh my God, what happened?!"

"Apparently there are pathetic people in this world who have nothing better to do than send hate mail to a sick woman in hospital," Draco snarled. His mouth was a thin line and his grey eyes flashed. "Luckily I'd instructed the healers not to let Mum open anything, and to leave all her post for me."

"You're joking?" Hermione gasped.

Draco sneered and waved his injured hands in her face. His shirt sleeve slipped down and she saw burn marks peeking out from the bandaging.

"That's barbaric," Hermione muttered. She curled her fists in her lap, remembering the nasty messages she received at Hogwarts from Skeeter's readers. Silvery scars still circled her thumb from the undiluted bubotuber pus one reader sent.

Draco grunted in reply. He sat at his desk and attempted to hold a quill, but it kept slipping out of his hand.

"Why don't you take the rest of the week off?" Hermione suggested.

Her voice was gentle and kind. Draco looked at her in surprise, a frown creasing his face.

"You don't have the authority to sign off on that," Draco said, finally.

"No, but I do," Mr Singh said. He smiled sadly at Draco from the doorway. "Go. Spend time with your mother. I'm sure she'd love to see you."

Draco hesitated, looking down at his hands. After a long moment he nodded. Not looking at either of them, he gathered his things and left the office.

"He's a good boy," Mr Singh said, watching Draco walk away. "Troubled, but good."

Hermione swallowed the retorts that rose to mind, unwilling to argue with her boss. Instead she made a noncommittal noise and went to sort through Draco's workload.

"I'll send Ellie to give you a hand," Mr Singh said.

"Thank you."

Mr Singh nodded and left her to work.


Draco stayed off for the following week as well.

Hermione found she missed his quick retorts and scathing humour. Ellie was sweet and intelligent, but she was too in awe of Hermione to have any kind of banter with her. Hermione found Ellie's hero-worship disconcerting, especially when Harry stopped by to visit.

"Miss me, Granger?" Draco smirked when he swaggered back into the office on Monday morning.

"Not in the slightest," Hermione replied.


Hermione raised an eyebrow at Draco. He winked and settled back at his desk, grumbling as he adjusted the chair back to how he liked it.

"You're looking better. How's your mother doing?" Hermione asked.

The colour had returned to Draco's cheeks and his hair was damp from his morning shower. The water turned it from white-blonde to a deep gold.

"She's doing alright. They let her go home on Saturday. I spent the weekend at the Manor with her."

"I'm glad," Hermione smiled.

"Thank you for the flowers, by the way," Draco said. The words seemed to cost him. "They got a little battered, we had to test them for hidden hexes and things, but she loves them. Daffodils are her favourite."

"Oh good! I figured she deserved to receive something nice after all that other stuff. I wasn't sure what to go for, but then I remembered that daffodils are genus Narcissus, so that seemed like a good bet."

"You really are such a know-it-all," Draco said, but there was a surprising lack of malice to it.


After going out to meet his mother for lunch, Draco stomped back into the office. A slight pout marred his face.

"You ok?"

"Mum's got some damned fool idea in her head," Draco complained. "She's decided the perfect birthday present for me is to set me up on a blind date. Like I can't get girls on my own!"

"Did you tell her that?"

"Of course not!" Draco looked horrified at the idea. "This is the most animated I've seen her since Father got locked up."

Draco's face darkened at the mention of his father.

"When's your birthday?" Hermione asked, deciding it was best to change the subject slightly.

"Next week," he groaned. "Fifth of June."

Draco put his head in his freshly-healed hands. Hermione grinned and left him to his dramatics.


A/N: I know I posted on my profile saying I would go back to a somewhat normal schedule (I aim for Sundays & Wednesdays), but I've had a rough couple of days. Posting stories and reading your comments really cheers me up, so sod it. Have another update! Be free, little chapter! I appreciate all of you. Much love, Charli

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