Chapter 3

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It was almost five o'clock and Draco had barely done any work. Hermione slammed her things into her handbag, having run out of patience sometime mid-morning.

"Leaving already?" Draco asked, looking pointedly at the clock. "I'd have thought you'd want to make up for today's tardiness?"

"As I told Mr Singh - there was a line at the healers'," Hermione snapped. She slung her bag over her shoulder and glanced over her desk for anything she'd forgotten.

Draco nodded, spinning on his chair in a way he'd discovered made it squeak. Hermione clenched her teeth and made a mental note to fix it tomorrow.

"You should really organise your time better," Draco said. "You're not setting a very good example to the new staff."

"It was out of stock last night, so I had to go back this morning. And besides, Mr Singh didn't have an issue!"

Draco squeaked the chair again, a long and grating sound that set Hermione's nerves on edge.

"Maybe he thought you'd make up the time at the end of the day," Draco said, shrugging lazily.

"He knows I have an appointment every second Tuesday."

"Merlin, it's not date night with the Weasel is it?" Draco shuddered dramatically. "Oh, wait, that can't be it. Didn't you two break up?"

Draco's nasty laughter followed Hermione as she stomped out of the office.


Hermione hurried down the street, holding her umbrella against the torrential storm. Her shoes sloshed with rainwater, and the bottom of her trousers were splattered with mud. She stopped for her usual coffee, but Draco's incessant questioning made her run late. Gulping down the cappuccino made her feel jittery rather than relaxed.

Hermione stopped outside a London townhouse. The large windows had fashionable, wooden blinds, making it impossible to see inside. Shaking the water off her umbrella, Hermione pushed open the door. The entrance hall opened onto a warm and cosy reception area. The walls were painted soothing colours, and a giant fireplace cast a gentle light.

"Hermione Granger to see Dr Gallagher," Hermione said to the young man behind the desk.

"Take a seat, she'll be with you shortly."

Hermione nodded and sat by the fire, drying herself. Molly recommended Dr Gallagher to them all after the War. Ginny had been seeing her for a while, following her traumatic first year at Hogwarts. Hermione was the only one who still went, though Harry had Dr Gallagher's number on speed-dial.

"She's ready, go on through," the man called, pointing to a room down the hallway.

"Hermione, how has the last two weeks been?" Dr Gallagher asked as she walked in and flopped onto the sofa.

"Ugh, you would not believe the day I've just had," Hermione groaned.

Her therapist listened patiently as Hermione launched into a rant about Draco Malfoy.

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