Chapter 10

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The lights were on in their shared Ministry office when Hermione arrived for work. Draco walked in, his hands full of parchment rolls from the supply cupboard. He nodded grimly to her.

Draco looked no better than he had the day before. His blonde hair was messy, sticking up at strange angles. Hermione noticed he would run his hand through it when he was agitated. A pang of sympathy shot through her. Everyone knew he adored his mother, her struggles clearly hit him hard.

"Read the paper?" Draco asked. His voice was hoarse from lack of sleep.

"Nope. Did you?"

"Merlin no. Why didn't you?"

"I hate gossip pieces like that," Hermione said, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "I've fallen victim to Skeeter's quill enough times to know how it feels. I won't endorse invading other peoples' privacy."

"I stopped buying 'The Prophet' years ago," Draco admitted. "It's horrifically biased and far too interested in my family's life."

"How do you get your news then? I mean sure, you've got to read between the lines, but it's better to be kept somewhat informed, right? You can't just bury your head in the sand and ignore what's going on in the world!"

Draco grinned slightly at the look of horror on Hermione's face. She looked like he had announced his favourite hobby was burning books.

"I listen to the radio, actually. There's this one channel that seems pretty balanced. The presenters are funny, and they have some good think-pieces. The music isn't half bad either."

"Are you on about 'PW 98.5'?" Hermione asked. She leaned forward excitedly in her chair, shuffling slightly closer to his desk.

"That's the one. Obviously I avoid the 'Potter Ass-Kissing Show' or whatever it's called..."

"Potterwatch," Hermione corrected, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, that. Otherwise it's pretty decent. Unless they run a piece about Mum, then I'll have to look somewhere else."

"I don't think they will, but I can ask them not to if you like?"

"Suppressing news stories now are we?" Draco forced a tired smirk. "You've worked at the Ministry too long, Granger."

"I just don't see that it's a story worth covering. They've got better things to do than that," Hermione said, rolling her eyes again. "Now if they were to do a piece about the lack of mental health awareness in the wizarding world? That's worthwhile. Honestly, it's ridiculous how far behind the muggles we are in that respect! We're getting better, obviously, but it's not enough. Sure, there are a few therapists available, and it's possible to get meds on prescription now, but that's barely a drop in the ocean compared to the muggles!"

"Do you ever stop talking?" Draco interrupted.

Hermione's face fell and she stuttered to a halt.


"You should never apologise for being passionate about something," Draco told her.

"Er, sorry about that."

Draco gave her a funny look.

"You know, you say 'sorry' too much," he said at last. "You sound like a Hufflepuff."

Without another word, Draco picked up his quill and went back to work. Hermione stared at him for a long moment, then turned to her own desk.

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