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Group Chat: Keith, Allura, Hunk

Keith: you're plan worked

Keith: he's not mad anymore

Allura: that's wonderful!

Hunk: what did you do for him?

Keith: well I got him a bunch of space candy and other sweet stuff. I set up a little picnic in the observatory for him. Then we cuddled and watched the stars until he fell asleep. I had a surprise for him when he woke up, I got us matching bracelets. He looooved that. His is red and mine is blue.

Allura: aw! I'm sure he's very happy with you now!

Hunk: you know what will make him even happier?

Keith: what??

Hunk: doing that kind of stuff for him when you haven't fucked up.

Hunk: just random romantic gestures. it will drive him crazy.

Hunk: he'll be more in love with you than he already is

Keith: really?? okay!

Keith has left the chat

Allura: did Lance have you say that?

Hunk: no. I just know lance will love it and it'll bring them closer

Allura: aw you're a good friend

Hunk: about time someone acknowledged that

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