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Group Chat: All of Team Voltron

(except Lance again because he still doesn't have a com)

Keith: we're outnumbered on this ship

Allura: we tried to intercept Lotor but he just had his guards engage us while he slipped into Lance's room

Shiro: we took the guards out, Pidge is trying to hack the locking mechanism on Lance's door. we don't have much time until someone comes to fight us again

Coran: I was able to make a 3D map of that room. It is a bedroom, Lance is backed into the corner on the bed and Lotor is sitting at the end of the bed. It appears they're just talking

Keith: I don't give a fuck what they're doing. If he touches Lance I'm going to kill him

Coran: well prepare a galra funeral because he just grabbed Lance by the arm

Pidge: Just a few more minutes until I have this door open

Coran: I don't think Lance has a few more minutes

Keith: what do you mean?

Coran: Lotor has Lance pinned down on the bed and we have no idea what his intentions are

Pidge: I'm working as fast as I can

Coran: I think Lance is crying. It's impossible to get a clear image with the 3D mapping, but it appears he's trying to get out of beneath Lotor and crying as he does it

Keith: I swear to god if he hurts him..

Coran: Lotor pulled out a knife!

Pidge: Just one more minute!

Keith: Coran is Lance hurt??

Coran: no, it appears Lotor is just threatening him with it

Pidge: the door will open in just a few ticks

Coran: I think he cut him!

Pidge: now!


Coran: paladins, what happened? the sensors went all screwy

Shiro: we were able to rescue Lance but Lotor got away.

Allura: we're retreating, getting Lance to safety is more important than taking down Lotor

Hunk: we'll be back to the castle in a few minutes

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