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*this is a day late. i apologize. here's your special 1k words chapter for christmas.*

Group Chat: All of team Voltron

(except lance who they left out intentionally)

Shiro: I just finished interrogating lotor, got some information out of him but it's confusing

Allura: What did he say?

Shiro: apparently he's been watching us for weeks, and he says we undervalue lance

Keith: he killed one of his generals, he has no room to talk about undervaluing a teammate

Hunk: and how do we undervalue him? this team is like a family and he's part of that family.

Shiro: he also said he wants to take lance away from the "toxicity"

Allura: he believes we're toxic for Lance?

Pidge: guys take what he said with a grain of salt. he's our enemy, who knows what he'll say to get out of our custody. he could just be trying to get a rise out of us so we engage him, that would give him another chance to escape

Coran: Number 5 is correct, we must keep our heads

Keith: What else did he say?

Shiro: he said he won't stop until he has lance for his own. that i believe. whatever his motives are, he is determined to take lance.

Keith: Lance knows this too, I think Lotor said something to him that he's not telling us. but i'm not going to try to pry it out of him, he's been through enough. I'm trying to distract him from it all.

Coran: How is he doing right now?

Keith: he's listening to some music and doodling on a notepad I snagged from Pidge's room

Pidge: this is why we're putting handprint scanners on all rooms you dick

Shiro: language

Pidge: duck?

Hunk: quack

Keith: It hurts him a bit to draw because his burns, but it's calming him down so he keeps doing it. i'm not going to stop him if it's helping him mentally.

Allura: Paladins I'm getting a strange reading from Lotor's cell!

Shiro: Keith, make sure Lance's room is secure. But don't let him know what's going on. The rest of you come with me to the cell. If he's making another escape attempt we all need to be there

Pidge: we're already on our way


Shiro: he must've had a detonator hidden on him, he blew up his cell. he's somewhere in the castle. Hunk, stand guard by the escape pods. We can't let him slip past us again. Pidge, Allura, we will search the castle for him. Coran, use the castle's sensors to try to locate him. keith, stay on high alert but try to keep lance unaware. the stress will only do more damage to his current mental state

Allura: on my way

Keith: I'll try to get him to take a nap with his headphones still on, that should keep him pretty unaware of what's going on

Coran: i have all sensors feeds pulled up, if I spot him i'll let you know

Hunk: I'm at the pods, if he wants out of here he'll have to get past me first

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