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*This is set with Shiro as team leader btw!! Allura isn't a paladin!! And they're still in space in the Castle of Lions fighting the Galra!*

Group Chat: All of team Voltron

Allura: Paladins, you must get your lions immediately! Lotor is attacking!!

Shiro: understood!

Hunk: Um, Keith and Lance might need a moment.. they're getting dressed. I heard Keith tell Lance he grabbed the wrong pants as i passed Keith's room

Pidge: and we all know why they were naked in the first place ;)

Keith: shut up, we're coming


Shiro: Keith! Lance! Where are you?! I swear to god if you two are making out in the middle of a battle!!

Pidge: they're not. Lotor hit on Lance and keith is piiissed

Pidge: "geT AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND YOU PURPLE BITCH" (cries because keith is part purple bitch too)

Hunk: oh god..

Coran: well, we needed to defeat him anyways..

Pidge: RIP Lotor..


Keith: guys i didn't win. He took him

Shiro: who took who?!

Keith: Lotor took Lance!!!

Hunk: WHAT??

Shiro: okay, new mission. Dont focus on taking down the ship. Lance is our new priority!

Hunk: I see them! I'm by the hangers. Lance looks super uncomfortable and Lotor has him handcuffed.

Keith: I'm on my way


Hunk: so we got Lance back

Coran: thank the stars. Is he hurt?

Hunk: no, but Lotor is. Lance is just a bit shaken up. Lotor was a bit too handsy. That just pissed Keith off more and that rage helped him win the fight

Keith: yeah, there's just one problem

Shiro: what is it?

Keith: I can't get the cuffs off Lance and Lotor got away while I was trying

Pidge: that's two problems.

Keith: and that's why we leave the math to you

Pidge: fucking hell, what do we do?

Shiro: first, we watch our language

Pidge: *fucking heck

Allura: everyone fall back. Lotor is retreating. We can get the cuffs off Lance back in the castle

Keith: understood


*I'm weak for lance obsessed lotor with protective boyfriend keith. Fight me.*

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