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*i repeat. i'm a sucker for lotor being obsessed with lance and keith being protective asf. expect this to escalate. not in this update, but in future ones.*

Group Chat: All of team Voltron

(except lance who's in handcuffs currently)

Shiro: Any luck with those cuffs?

Hunk: Nope, we've tried everything, we can't get them off

Pidge: we could cut lance's hands off

Allura: NO

Pidge: I was joking!!!

Keith: well what are we going to do?? we can't just leave lance in handcuffs!

Coran: What is preventing you from getting them off?

Pidge: well it's locked with a dna memory. only lotor will be able to remove them

Keith: so we find lotor

Shiro: We've been trying to avoid him, i guess now it's time to make our presence known. If we can get him on to our ship, we can get him to free lance

Allura: sounds like a plan. heading to a low guarded galra base now. the security is low enough we won't be putting ourselves in danger, but whoever is running the base will alert lotor of our presence

Shiro: great thinking princess. now, paladins. prepare for a fight. without lance we can't form voltron. we've got to give it our all.

Pidge: got it

Hunk: Keith's already on the training deck so I think he's ready

Shiro: don't let him wear himself out

Pidge: we'll try

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