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Group Chat: All of team Voltron(except lance who's still in handcuffs)

Shiro: Allura's plan worked. Lotor's ship is approaching

Allura: Paladins. Your primary objective is to capture Lotor. Once we have him, we retreat. We can take down this base another day.

Pidge: got it. Grab Lotor then get the heck outta here

Hunk: Wow you didn't swear this time

Pidge: I almost did lmao caught myself

Keith: guys FOCUS we need to do this to help lance. or have you forgotten he's still stuck with his hands bound behind his back

Shiro: Everyone ready! Lotor is starting his attack!


Hunk: I have eyes on Lotor, someone come back me up

Keith: I've locked onto your location. give me two minutes and we can take this fucker down

Shiro: language

Keith: fuck you


Allura: congratulations on capturing Lotor, paladins. He's secure in a cell, he's not going anywhere

Pidge: I'm taking Lance down to him now, time to get these cuffs off


Pidge: It was a trap!!!

Shiro: What?!

Pidge: When he went to take the cuffs off, they detonated like a damn bomb! Now Lance is injured and Lotor is escaping. He's taking Lance with him!

Keith: oh fUck no, that purple bitch isn't getting off this ship alive

Shiro: language!

Allura: We have more pressing matters than their choice of words, Shiro.

Coran: How injured is Lance?

Pidge: I think it's just burns on his hands, I didn't get a good look

Coran: Thank the ancients, at least it's nothing critical

Hunk: it could be if Lotor escapes with him! Lotor is playing hide and seek, he's just trying to stay invisible until he finds an escape route

Keith: I can't find him!

Allura: An escape pod just took off!

Keith: fuck!

Shiro: Everyone to your lions! We can't let him get away with Lance!

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