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Group Chat: All of Team Voltron

(again no Lance this time because he doesn't have a com)

Coran: paladins, princess, i've used the sensors on your suits to create a 3D map of your surroundings. all your cells are in the same hall. if at least one of you can find a way out, you can free the others and rescue Lance. I'm still trying to lock on to his location

Hunk: Maybe we can hack into the locking mechanism?

Shiro: Do we have the tech for that?

Pidge: yeah, i just don't know if it'll really work

Keith: well give it your best shot

Allura: Don't rush yourself, take your time and get it right


Pidge: I think I did it, testing now

Allura: my cell just opened!

Hunk: All of ours did

Shiro: good work Pidge. Coran, have you found Lance

Coran: yes, he's in a room a few halls away from you. go to the end of this hall and turn right, go to the end of that one and turn left, go to the end of that hall and he should be the in the room at the end

Keith: Right, Left, End. Got it

Coran: he doesn't seem to be in a cell. i believe it's a bedroom of sorts

Allura: Lotor is probably trying to brainwash Lance into staying with him. We have no idea what he's said to him, and now he's putting him in a nice room.

Hunk: Well it's not going to work, Lance is stronger than that

Pidge: is he? i'm pretty sure he's the most emotionally susceptible out of all of us. if anyone's mind can be molded to lotor's will, it's Lance.

Keith: It doesn't matter, because we'll get to him before Lotor can do any more to him

Coran: Lotor is approaching Lance's cell, proceed with caution

Keith: we have to attack before he gets in there!

Shiro; Keith is right, let's go

*now back to 300 word chapters*

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