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Group Chat: All of team Voltron

(except lance who has now been captured)

Pidge: we stopped Lotor, bringing the pod back now

Hunk: Luckily the pods aren't very fast

Coran: Thank the ancients, have you gotten to Lance yet?

Shiro: not yet, we'll get him once we get the pod on the castle.

Allura: Alright. Everyone be ready before opening the pod in case Lotor tries to attack.


Hunk: Lotor put up a fight but Shiro was able to subdue him, he's back in the cell.

Coran: And Lance?

Pidge: His hands are burned and he's pretty bruised up. Keith is trying to convince him to get in a healing pod but he's refusing.

Allura: At least his injuries are minor this time.

Hunk: Keith gave in and is now bandaging Lance's hands

Shiro: Lotor is secured. for now no one goes near that cell. He might have more tricks up his sleeves.

Keith: I want to beat his head in

Allura: Keith we must keep our composure. I know he hurt your boyfriend, but we may be able to get information out of him about the Galra's plans

Keith: Lance was literally shaking when I walked him back to his room. He's sleeping now. But he's pretty fucking terrified with Lotor being on the ship. He's tried to kidnap him twice. He'll probably try to do it again

Pidge: Keith is right, for some reason lotor has fixated on lance. he hasnt tried attacking us or anything, he just keeps trying to get lance.

Hunk: maybe he's just trying to get us down one paladin so we can't form voltron?

Shiro: well, if that were the case he probably would've gone after pidge. she's the smallest and seemingly the easiest target

Pidge: rude

Shiro: i said seemingly

Hunk: didn't he say something like 'you won't be able to protect him forever' or something like that

Allura: he's definitely fixated on lance, we just need to find out why

Shiro: I'll interrogate him. And before you ask, no keith you can't come along

Keith: come on!

Coran: just focus on taking care of Lance, he needs a gentle touch right now. you can't be full of rage

Keith: fine. I'm going to the training deck to punch shit so i'll be calmer when he wakes up

Shiro: language

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