Chapter 2

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"Are you okay?" Momo asked me. "You're turning really red."
She noticed me staring at her. I've been staring at her ever since we got out of the airport. She's just too dang hot.

"I'm fine. It's just that..." I couldn't think of anything to say.

"What?" She said. Her beautiful eyes were staring into mines.

"Ah! Stop it!" I said and covered my face with my hands. She looked so confused right now.

"Is something wrong? What's the matter?"

"Don't look at me!" I said still covering my face. "You're gonna kill me with your face!"

"Damn Dahyun. That's harsh."

"That's not what I meant. You're freakin hot Momo!" I must've said that really loud because the whole bus was staring at both of us.

"Hey, please flirt with each other quietly." Our teacher said.

Now I was really embarrassed. My face turned redder than ever. I felt like crying but I was also furious. Why did she have to be born so beautiful and why did I have to be born gay?

"Dahyun. Are you okay?" Momo asked me. Her voice was so soft and soothing when she said that.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry. Just please leave me alone for a bit." I told her.

"Okay kids. Just cause I'm "responsible" we're gonna be stopping so you can use the restroom. Now go and leave me alone. Damn teenagers." He said.

Momo and the others left which left me alone with the teacher.


I felt bad for Dahyun. I didn't know what I did but it seemed to make her sad. So I decided to do soemthing for her. I'm gonna buy her something. I was walking around the store.

"Damn it. I don't know what she likes." I thought to myself. Then I had the best idea ever: I'll buy her some pads. I mean she keeps them in her backpack so that means she must like pads. I walked around the store trying to find them. I realize I can't read Korean.

"Hello ma'am? I need help here." I called a worker there.

"Yes? What do you need?"

"Ped!" I said.

"Excuse me?"

"Ped!" I said more clearly.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand." She said.

I gave up trying to speak English so I pointed to my private area. Her face looked very confused. I pointed to my private part and continued saying "Ped! Ped! Peliod!" I kept repeating the words to her until she finally got it.

"Oh I know what you need. It's the last aisle over there." She pointed to the far right side of the store. I walked over to the aisle and saw the many many many brands of pads they had. I chose the pack with the ones that looked like the ones she gave me at the airport. I paid for it and left the store.

Once I got into the bus, it was just me and Dahyun and the weird teacher. "Dahyun, I got you something. I think you'll like it. Come on, look!" She took her face out of her hands. "Surprise!!" I held the box of pads to her face. She stared at me for a bit and looked at me like I was crazy. She bursted out laughing afterwards.

"You don't buy people pads as a gift." She said. Watching her laugh made me want to laugh. She looks so pretty when she laughs. She is just too cute. If only she knew how I feel about her. But she probably won't feel the same way. Why did she have to be born so beautiful and why did I have to be born gay?

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