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"I am y/n and I have just graduated high school and I am in love with music, and when I say in love I mean in love." I spoke. "Ehhh" Fara said. "Well what else am I suppose to say?" I asked looked irritated. "Just add some pop, at least change your clothes. Look professional" she said. "Um I think I look perfectly fine" I replied. "Yeah for a donkey" she said sticking out her tongue. "If you weren't my best friend I would strangle you right now" I said. "Mhm" she stated. "Fine I'll go change" I said. "That's the spirit" she said. I went to my room to change I was once wearing grey swear pants and a white tank top. I changed into my black ripped jeans and a red shirt. "That's so much better" she said smiling. "Well shouldn't we get going?" I asked. "Yeah we should" she replied. We got in the car and headed to the New York convention center. It's where the meeting would take place. "Are you nervous?" She asked. "Well yeah a bit, I mean we are trying to audition to see if we even have a chance at getting into this Korean group" I said. Well let me explain me and my best friend Fara have always loved singing and dancing, one day we saw a flyer stating that there is an opportunity for becoming idols in Korea. We wanted to take that chance so we are

-after conferences-
"Did they tell you if you got in?" I asked. "No" Fara said. "You?" "Nah" I replied. "We I guess they'll be sending out letters whenever they decide" she said. "Well yeah they did ask for our address" I said. "True" she replied. "For now let's go home, eat and just hope to the taco mighty lords we get in" she said. I laughed. That night I couldn't sleep I really wanted to get in but was I even good enough, I guess we'll find out whenever we do.

-2 weeks later-
I walked outside in my pjs to check the mail. I dropped my cup of coffee when I realized what letter I just got. I ran inside and shook Fara to death until she woke up. "Aghhh what do you want you crazy ass" she yelled throwing a pillow over her head. "The letter came!" I yelled. She shot up faster then I have ever seen. "Okay okay let's calm down.... wtf am I talking about open it?!" She screamed. I tore it open and read, "dear y/n y/l and Fara singleton we are pleased to inform you that you will be apart of our new group at BigHit entertainment. You will be leaving in 2 weeks time and have a dorm to share with your other band mates" I stopped reading and squealed. "I can't believe we did it" she yelled back. "Wait this letter was sent to America a week ago, that means" I stopped. And we both screamed, "WE ARE LEAVING TOMORROW." We both ran to our rooms and grabbed our suitcases, packed some clothes and the rest we boxed up and sent them to our new address.

-the next morning-
"Alright you got everything?" Fara asked me. "Yup I got it" I said. We headed to the airport and we even got first class, like we've never even been on a plane. Right before we boarded I got a phone call, "hello is this Ms.y/l?" They asked. "Um yes?" I replied. "Ah yes so I work for bighit entertainment and since you and your friend our American we were wondering if you needed a translator. If so we can get you one" the lady spoke. "Oh um we are sorry but we forgot to tell during the interview that we actually are fluent in Korean." I said she laughed and said, "Ah yes that's great thank you have a great flight" and then she hung up. Me and Fara talked about Korea a bit and then I fell asleep. I was woken up by the pilot saying, "We will be arriving shortly" we then landed me and Fara went and grabbed our bags. It was beautiful, we then took a cab to bighit entertainment.

"So is that okay with both of you" our new manager said. "Ahhh yes we haven't been here and we would like to meet our other members first but I think us dancing and singing at the award ceremony would be a perfect way to introduce our new group" I said. "Well then I'll bring in the rest of the members" he said. "Wait really?" Fara said. They all stepped in and we introduced ourselves. The oldest was Amelia her stage name was Lia she was also the leader and a rapper. Next was Casey her stage name was C.C. She was a vocalists. Jessica's stage name was Jay, she was a vocalists she was also lead dancer, even though we could all dance she would help us and learn it before everyone else. Fara's stage name was Jade and she was
of course was a rapper. And last but not least myself my stage name was snow and apparently I was the maknae but I was also a vocalist and rapper. "So these are your group members, you all will be performing tomorrow at ceremony tomorrow and I will get someone to y'all to the dorm" our manager spoke. We left and went to the dorm even though we just all met it was like we new each other forever.

-at the dorm-
"Ahh Jessica that's my rice cake" I said trying to reach it. "To bad maknae" she said eating it. "Ahhh" I said. "You can have mine" Amelia the oldest said. "Awe thank you Noona" I said shoving it in my mouth. After we unpacked and all we had to go rehearse our song and dance for the show and also get sized for our outfits. It was gonna be fun.

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