That air with me

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-many years later-
"Put your hands up!" He yelled. He had finally found me. I was hiding under the bed. "Okay fine you got me" I said as I got up. "When is daddy coming home?" He asked once I picked him up. "Any minute now Junghyun" I said as I started walking down the stairs.

Me and Jungkook are still married after many years. Everyone has kept in touch but they still have their own lives. Me and Jungkook have two children, Junghyun and Taeyun. Junghyun is four while Taeyun is fifteen. Both of our children were named after someone very important. Junghyun was named after Jonghyun from a famous kpop group. He had committed suicide and me and Jungkook were very close friends with him. Taeyun was named after Taehyung because of everything he has done for us. I was one of my children to be named after one of Jungkook's members, but we didn't know what would fit for a girl name so they all played rock paper scissors. Very childish I know.

I then heard the door open which snapped me out of my thoughts and Junghyun tried to squirm to make me put him down. Once his feet touched the ground he ran to his father. "Where is Taeyun?" Jungkook asked. "Out with some friends, you know how teenagers are" I said as I gave him a small peck on the lips. "Well whenever she gets home I have some big news for everyone" He said giving me a smile.

-time skip-
Once Taeyun finally got home I had already finished fixing dinner. We were all seated when Jungkook cleared his throat. "I have some big news for everyone" He said smiling huguely. "I've been able to make some wiggle room in my schedule, so tomorrow the whole family will be flying to a private island for a few weeks" He said everyone gasped. We all haven't been on vacation as a family for some time.

"We will finally have some family time and Jessica and Yoongi's wedding will be toward the end of the first week" He said reaching for his glass. "Finally, it's been sometime since they got engaged" I said sighing. "Yeah that's true" He replied. "So we get a vacation and get to see a wedding? Hmm sounds fun" Taeyun said. "When are we leaving?" Junghyun said. "Tomorrow morning" Jungkook said cutting up his meat. Taeyun spit out part of her drink. "I'm gonna get packing" She said as she started walking up stairs to her room.

The flight leaves at 7am and everyone was running around the house grabbing what they need. "It's time to head out!" I yelled. Everyone came rushing toward the door, it was like a competition to see who was the fastest.

We got to the airport at 6:50am I was very surprised with our time. Jungkook had the tickets and we all went to get on the jet. It was a private jet owned by Kim entertainment. Not everyone in our friend group retired from kpop. Jin and Amelia own an entertainment business and they are very successful.

-time skip-
We finally landed and the island was very private you could say. There was like no one there and it was very tropical. The only people here were people I knew and that was of course Jessica, Yoongi, and everyone else. I was very excited for this trip and I could tell the kids were too.

"Alright everyone what to do first?" Jungkook asked holding up a map looking over it. "How about we go to our rooms and unpack?" I suggested. "Hmm ahh yes we might want to do that first" He said and with that he led us to a hotel like place. We walked in and were immediately given our keys. Me and Jungkook shared a one bed room while the kids shared a two bed room. I gave one key to Taeyun for their room luckily our rooms were beside each other.

I walked inside and was in aw. I explored the gigantic room. I found a door and once I opened it I realized it was a door to Taeyun and Junghyun's room which was great so I could check on them. Once I started to close the door I felt something grab me from behind. I turned around to see a smirking Jungkook as he started to push me against the wall. "Hello baby" He said with a playful grin. "You know I have been thinking maybe we should have another baby" He said looking at me up and down. "You know I can not have any more children after the surgery" I said as I started walking away. He then jumped on the bed and started pouting. "Make a baby" He whined. I just looked at him as I had my hand on my hip. "We can't hun" I said as I went to grab something to drink.

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