Every breathe

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I woke up with a weird headache, so I decided to go get some tylenol from the kitchen medicine cabinet. I walked down stairs and noticed all bts was here. 'Weird' I thought to myself. They were all chatting silently with Jessica, Casey Fara, and Amelia. "Um guys what are you doing?" I asked walking to them. "Uh nothing" Jimin said sweating a little on his forehead. "Um okay" I said and went to the medicine cabinet. Once I walked to it they all started silently chatting and I could tell they didn't want me to hear.

-time skip-
I was still wondering what they all were talking about earlier, but everytime I tried to ask everyone had the same answer. "You'll see soon enough" was what literally everyone replied except Jungkook who just switched the subject and asked what kind of flower I liked most. This day has started off really weird.

Jungkook pov.
"Okay so where should I do it" I asked trying to take notes in my head. "Hmm I'll help you set it up" Taehyung and Namjoon said. "Alright" I said. "Um guys what are you doing?" I knew that voice from anywhere, it was y/n's I just woke up tone. "Uh nothing" Jimin replied and you could see him break a sweat. 'Wow he's such a horrible liar' I thought to myself. "Um okay" is all she replied as she went to a cabinet.

"Alright now Jungkook. me, you and Taehyung will go get it set up around 5pm. But at 3pm you have to go with the girls to get the thing. Yoongi and Jimin will distract y/n. Hobi and Jin you will get decorations." Namjoon said and we all shook our heads as in we understood. "Now break" he said as we all went on to do whatever we wanted until 3pm which was when we had to get it ready. Sorry I can't really tell you just yet, only us ten can know because you might tell y/n, you'll just have to wait and see.

Y/n pov.
Everyone has been acting super weird since this morning. Hobi and Jin left an hour ago and it is now 3pm. "See ya y/n" Fara said. Oh wow someone is finally noticing I'm still here. Her, Casey, Jessica, Amelia, and Jungkook were walking out the door. "Wait can I come?" I asked jumping up. "No you can't, it's for something you can't know about just yet" Amelia said patting me on the head. And with that they left. "Damn it" I silently cursed.

"How about we watch some movies and play some games until seven?" Jimin asked smiling with Yoongi standing next to him. "Sure, but why exactly seven" I asked looking confused. "No reason" Jimin said awkwardly laughing. Yoongi then elbowed him in the stomach. 'Wow he is a horrible liar' I thought to myself. "Okay well what do you guys want to watch?" I asked. "Whatever you want" Yoongi said. I then picked for us to watch Always Only you

A/n: it's a Korean film btw

I then turned it on for us to watch. 'Well now I know whatever is happening is happening at seven' I thought to myself. The movie then started.

Jungkook pov.
"Well her favorite color is f/c, so put those balloons at the entrance." I said to Namjoon which thought it was a great idea might I add. "Jungkook do you want these f/f right here" Taehyung said holding a few bunches and pointing. "Just spread them out everywhere and put a bunch in the center" I told him. "This is gonna look great" Namjoon said clasping his hands together.

A/n: f/c means favorite color. F/f means favorite flower.

"Crap can't forget the most important piece" I said. Namjoon and Taehyung nodded and I ran to the car.

Y/n pov.
"That movie- was- so good" Jimin said in between tears. "I can't believe he wouldn't tell her that it was him" Yoongi said. "Well he wanted her to be happy without him now that she can finally see" I said. "Yeah true. The movie was really good and I'm glad they ended up together in the end" Yoongi said. "Oh its 6:30" Yoongi said looking at his watch. "Haha it is, um y/n we'll see you later, you should go to your room and see if there is anything for you bye" Jimin said as him and Yoongi left.

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