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"You guys actually care" I said in between sobs. "Of course we do y/n" Namjoon said and they all hugged me. "Here let's go get something to eat how about Jins restaurant?" Amelia suggested. "Haha are you finally agreeing that I'm better than you?" Jin said nudging Amelia. "No I bet the food will be terrible, but it's just all I can think of" Amelia said. Jin started pouting and everyone just started laughing. "Alright guys let's go" I said and got up.

"Ooo this is some nice Kimchi fried rice" Jimin said. "I know" Jin said. "Is Taehyung still in the fucking bathroom?" Yoongi asked. "We'll go get him" Jimin and Jungkook said in unison. "He probably fell in" Jessica said with a high five from Yoongi. Just a few seconds after Jungkook and Jimin left we could hear some yelling. "TAEHYUNG, WE HAVE TO GO, COME OUT!" Jungkook yells. "I'M GAY" Taehyung replies. "NOT WHAT WE MEANT BUT WE STILL SUPPORT YOU" Jimin said. Jin choked on his mountain dew. It was pretty fun and all of us were laughing.

All three of them came back and Taehyung's behind was soaked. "Ahh damn it all over my Gucci carpet!" Jin yelled. "Taehyung did you fall in?" I asked. He blushed and shook his head. "Alright guys we need to get going it's getting late" Namjoon said. "I agree" Fara said. "Alright Jinnie how much will it be?" Jimin asked laughing thinking he wouldn't have to pay. "Because you called me Jinnie 180,000 won" Jin said. "But I'm your bandmate" Jimin said. "In that case...... 200,000 won" Jin said. "Now pay up" he added holding his hand out.

"Good luck Chim Chim" Taehyung said as we all started walking out. "Y'all aren't gonna help me?!" Jimin yelled. "That's all you buddy" Jungkook said and we walked out. "Alright well we got to get going I'll text you" Jungkook said to me and kissed me. "Wait don't we have an award shujcnr-" Taehyung started speaking but Namjoon covered his mouth. "A what?!" Me and Jungkook said together looking at Tae. "Omg Tae your such a spoiler" Yoongi said. "Well love birds there is an award showcase tomorrow don't worry it's not that big" Jin said. "Okay whatever, but what?!" I said. "Its just a big concert with different groups performing and then at the end we win stuff" Taehyung said. "Mhm got to say it the dumb way" Yoongi mumbled. "I heard that!" Tae yelled. "Anyways we'll see y'all there tomorrow have a lovely night" Namjoon waved goodbye after a kiss given to Fara oof.

"Let's go home" Amelia said. "Ooo yes finally" Fara said. "Goodnight everybodyyyyyyy" Casey said and we went to bed.

-the next day-
"Wake up beyotches and get ready awards is at 6pm and it's already 12" Fara said. "Ugh!" We all yelled through out the house as we got up. I got up and ate breakfast. Of course we had to head to bighit to get our dresses and what we were dancing in was already there.

"Alright ladies let's get your dresses" a stylist said. We all went to our separate stylist as the handed us a dress. Mine was black and long with a slit also strapless. Fara's was purple and short. Casey's was blue with red waves. Jessica's was black but short with purple music notes all over. Amelia's was pink and long and fluffy. "K let's get going to get our seats" Jessica said. As we walked out of the dressing room I ran smack dab into someone. 'Fuck' I mentally cursed. "Oh wow why in such a hurry?" He asked laughing. "Awards" I replied. "Well what's you name?" He asked. "Y/n and you?" I asked. "The peeps call me bambam" he said. As bambam was complimenting my dress I saw Jungkook storming up and the rest of bts laughing. He then ran in between me and bambam partly. "Y/n we have somewhere to be done we?" He asked looking at me weirdly. "Um yeah" i replied. "Okay let's go, nice meeting you again bambam" He said and grabbed me hand to pull me. When I wasn't walking to his speed standards and stopped and threw me over his shoulder.

"Jungkook what the actual?!" I screamed. All of bts was laughing along with Mischievous Children while I saw a few phones out recording. Jungkook carried me out of the building and sat me in the car that he was riding in. "Jungkook I have a car I'm suppose to take with my band" I said. "Not anymore" he said. "What do you mean?" I questioned he was asking awfully weird. "I got it where you are riding with along with Taehyung and Jimin and everyone else gets to ride with their partners too." Jungkook said. "Alrighty then" I said.

I then saw Jimin and Taehyung coming up to the car. They both climbed in the back. "Wait I know what it is" I finally realized. "You're the jealous type!" I cheered. "Took her long enough" Jimin said. "I heard that" I said without turning around but instead putting my pointer finger in the air. "No I'm not" Jungkook replied. "Yes you are" I said. "No I'm not" he replied. "Yes you are" I said. "Okay fine I am, what's the big deal?" He asked. I just smiled to myself. "Nothing" is all I said. Him seeing me smile made him smile.

-time skip-
Arriving at the award ceremony was fun you could say. There were lots of cameras flashing as we pulled up I couldn't even see. 'I guess I'm not fully adjusted to the idol life' I said to myself. As we were walking in I'm pretty sure Jungkook noticed that I couldn't see because he put his jacket over my head partly and lead me inside.

As we got inside we took our seats. We were sited at tables and were right beside bts. 'Tonight will be fun' I thought to myself.

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