That I take

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-years later-
Author's pov.
It has been quite some time since Michevious Children's disbanded. Jessica and Fara became their own separate artists, while y/n, Casey and Amelia decided to start their future out of the kpop industry. Casey has three children with Hobi, two girl and one boys; Jangmi, Doechan, and Jocelyn. Amelia and Jin also have a child, a little girl named Anijin. As for y/n and Jungkook.......

Well today is their wedding day.

Jungkook's pov.
"Come on chop chop times running out" I heard Jin yell. They were setting up for the reception/eating part of the wedding while I was getting dressed. "Could you not spill the punch on my pink suit you maniac!" Jin yelled. I looked out the door to see what was going on. Apparently Jimin was carrying a punch bowl, but Taehyung's foot was out and Jimin tripped. "Its alright guys it didn't spill just get back to setting up we have fifteen minutes" I said giving them a smile.

-fifteen minutes later-
Everything was set up, but I was a nervous wreck. "What if she doesn't show up?!" I yelled. I have been yelling all sorts of scenarios for ten minutes now. "Jungkook she will show up" Yoongi said fixing my tie. "What if when she gets here she changes her mind? Wait what if she changes her mind!?!??!" I yelled as I started to sweat. I then felt a burning sensation on my left cheek, then I realized I had just been slapped. "Listen here kid, you are an amazing person and if you think y/n would actually leave you then you are delusional. You can be a serious pain in the ass, but y/n loves you and if she didn't then I would not have had to spend hours decorating!" Taehyung shouted. "Okay okay your right" I said taking in deep breaths. "I know" Taehyung said with a cocky smirk on his face.

Meanwhile the girls are having the exact same problem.

Y/ns pov.
"What if when I'm walking down the isle he looks at me and just doesn't like me anymore!?" I yelled, I was so scared that I have been shouting different horrible scenarios for the past eleven minutes. "Y/n he loves you" Casey said. "Omo what if he doesn't even show up, I'll be walking down the isle to no one!?! No one!!!!" I screamed. I then felt a very slight burn sensation on my right cheek. "Why did you do that!? What if he sees this on my cheek and decides he doesn't want to marry me!?!" I shouted another horrible scenario. "One we have makeup for a reason, two you dumbo, Jungkook loves you if he didn't he would have left a long time ago. All those times you were stupidly drunk and made a fool of yourself or those times where you embarrassed yourself on live TV and don't even say you didn't because the last award we got you literally were running and fell on stage, so if he didn't want to do this then he wouldn't have stayed and he wouldn't have gotten on one knee now shut up get that dress on and go walk to him like a whole queen" Fara said. She made me snap into my senses and I knew what I had to do. "Alright ladies zip me up, let's get this wedding in gear." I said making everyone smile and clap. My dress was sleeveless and really long. It was sorta like a Cinderella ball gown, but white. It also looked like a swirled ice cream from McDonald's because of how it was turned around and just how the layers looked. There weren't to many gems and beads, but just enough for my liking.

-time skip-
After I finished getting my dress on and my makeup redone it was finally time to get going. We got to the door of where I was suppose to walk in. Jessica said that everyone was already seated and were just waiting on me. "Alright I'm ready" I said to her. My bridesmaids were already down there, so all was left was for me to walk down there myself.

I started my steps. My heart was in my shoe I was so nervous. Amelia was walking me down the isle since both my parents had passed. I was looking at the ground because I was kinda scared to look up. "I swear if you don't look up and smile I'm gonna get Anijin on you" Amelia said making me laugh. I then looked up and saw Jungkook. He was stunning and also crying.

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