Y/S/N official

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"My answer is yes" we both said. Everyone clapping even got7. Our managers then led us out and apparently we had a photo shoot for the new found couples tomorrow. This will be fun I thought to myself.

-the next day-
We were all getting ready for the photo shoot so far I just put on some ripped black jeans, my timberlands and a white shirt. I walked out of my room seeing the rest of my group already ready. "Alright you all ready?" Amelia asked. "Yup" we all replied.

We then arrived at the where the photo shoot was gonna take place it wasn't to far from our dorm so it was a short car ride. I climbed out of the car and we all walked inside. The outside was okay but the inside was beautiful. We walked to the desk and our manager talked to some lady and then we walked into a room where bts was already. "Dang it you beat us to it" Amelia said. "Haha" Jin said sticking out his tongue. "Anyways go with your lover and we'll see what we will do about the outfits" both managers said. We all went to our person; me with kookie, Jhope with Casey, Jessica with Yoongi, Fara with RM, Amelia with Jin. "Alright well y'all are gonna have matching outfits and I think I'll take Jungkook and y/n" one photographer said. "The rest of you pick which couple you want and find the outfit you want for them, also remember if you can't find the size check the back closet and one more thing this is for their new album go some what similar to their combined theme" the main photographer I'm guessing said. He then took me and Jungkook over to the clothing rack. "Well since you theme is laid back fun type stuff or is it family something like that?" He asked. "Well it's more how a connection is everything and friends are more than friends they are family" I said. "Oh okay nice." He said. "Yup we've already started the combined MVs and everything" Jungkook said.

"What's your name?" I said him. "I'm Park Jinhyun, but you can call me Jinhy." He said. "Well hello Jinhy" I said. "Pleasure to meet you Mr.Jinhy" Jungkook said and bowed. "You pronounced it wrong" Jinhy said. "What?" Kookie asked. "You pronounced my nickname wrong" Jinhy said laughing. "It's said like J~i~n~h~i, you said j~ee~n~h~u." Jinhy said. "I'm sorry" Kookie said. "It's fine now let's get to work" Jinhy said. "Well since your theme is a bit here and there where it has happy moments and some sad I'm gonna do y'all laid back." Jinhy said. "You hear that Chee I called laid back first!" He yelled to the photographer who was doing Jessica and Yoongi. "Anyways I'm gonna do all in a matching laid back..." He spoke but stopped "hold up what you are wearing now is perfect" Jinhy said. "Huh?" Me and Kookie asked both confused. We then both looked each other up and down "we are matching!" Me and Kookie both yelled. We are all the way matching same tims, same white shirt, same ripped jeans. All the same it was cool yet weird.

We all got our outfits on and someone ran in through the door and said "who's the visual here?" I raised my hand because I was indeed the visual in the group. "Alright just making sure we put that down right" the lady then left the room.

Our photographer Jinhy led us outside and he put us where he wanted us for the photo. The first photo was on me and Jungkook climbing a tree together, the other few were us at a picnic and then last but not least us in a field. They were beautiful pictures and I can't wait to see how the album turns out.

Outside I noticed some familiar faces but I didn't know who it was....... Wait it's stray kids?!

"Ahhh hello Chelsea are you almost done with the boys because I wanted to take some shots here too" Jinhy said. "Yeah I just need a few more shots and then I'll be done" Chelsea replied.

"Han get your donkey self off of me" Woojin said. "Shrek hush nobody ain't got no time for this" Bang Chan said. "Stop shoving Changbin" I.N. said. "Sorry it's just Lee's boney elbows" Changbin replied. "All of you just shut up" Felix said. "Says mister I can do anything" Seungmin said. "Let's just get this shoot over with without any arguments" Hyunjin said. "Haha that's never gonna happen" Han said. They all were bickering back and forth until I was finally over it. "Can you all just please shut your faces so we can take our pictures too" I said to them all. "I'm sorry my group is just out of hand today" Bang Chan said bowing. "It's fine" I said giving him a smile. "Wait isn't that the girl who rjgjekctkkfv" Hyunjin started talking but was stopped by Han's hand. "Oh yeah isn't she the one I.N. was jrjcgi" Seungmin started talking but was stopped by I.N.'s hand. I.N. and Han just smiled toward me like nothing happened. "Alright boys you are all done here you can go enjoy some donuts in the lounge" Chelsea said. "Donuts!!" I.N. jumped up. "Alright let's go" Felix said then just casually did a backflip. "Stop trying to impress the lady" Woojin said. "Yeah she's mine" I heard a familiar voice speak and turned to see Jungkook. He had his arm around my waist and spoke those three words like it were nothing. "Tough luck" Seungmin and Hyunjin said patting I.N. And Han's back.

-time skip-
"Alright for this last picture just sit normally, well Indian style and face the screen" Jinhy said. "Okay why is there a screen again" Jungkook asked for the fifth time. "We are gonna make it look like you too are looking up at the stars" Jinhy said. "Ohhhh ok" Jungkook replied. "Now y/n put your head on Jungkook's shoulder and hold hands"

-time skip-
We finished our shoot and went to meet up with our groups they were already looking at how everyone's photos turned out. Since the end of the photo shoot Jungkook has been holding my hand and still is. It's kinda nice just unexpected. "Ours looks the best" Jin said. "No way ours does" Jessica said. "Well have you seen ours" Hobi and Casey said. "Oooo those look great" Jimin and Tae said with donuts stuffed in their mouths. "Hold on let me put everyone's photos up before you all argue" one of the ladies said. She put everyone's photos up and all of us scanned them trying to find the best then everyone's jaw dropped. "That one is by far the greatest" everyone said pointing at me and Kookie's star picture. "You really think so?" I said. "Uhhhh duh" Amelia said. "I never thought--- someone--- could do---- better---- than me" Jin said in between sobs. "Alright guys for the album we need to vote which photo is the best from each group and those are the ones we'll use. We all picked me and Jungkook's star one. Jin and Amelia's elegant night out. Jessica and Yoongi's recording studio one, apparently they picked to do that themselves. Jhope and Casey's fireflies one. And finally RM and Fara's backstage moment. Fara and RM's was really cool they decided to do that one themselves to, apparently it shows even during hard times like performing we are always there for each other. It was a fun photo shoot and tomorrow is the day our managers will release the photos, I can't wait.

A/N: I know this was probably trash but bare with me. I've been trying my best and I'm sorry if it wasn't good, please comment if there are any grammar errors and I will try and fix them. English isn't my best language anyways. Also if you have any suggestions then please comment that too. Love you guys thanks for your support💞💫

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