Awards pt.2

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It was now our time to perform. "Let's get it ladies" Amelia said as we all finished putting on our outfits. "Now let's welcome Mischievous Children!" The announcer cheered. We were gonna perform the newest song we released called Mayday.

"I want you to find me and save me
My dreams and all the things I endlessly wanted Are becoming old friends, I can’t believe it at all" Casey sang.

"I yelled but all that Came back was “Just go” That phrase, that one phrase Made me gather my hands and be still like an idiot" Amelia rapped.

"“I’m sorry” saying it was like a habit
A saying beyond my understanding" Jessica sang.

"Save me, I can’t see in front of me
I won’t let you go, I can’t anymore
I’m in danger, I’m shouting Mayday
Please be the last missing piece of the puzzle Save me, I am sinking into you
Take me out, I can’t breathe
I’m in danger I’m shouting Mayday
Please be the last missing piece of the puzzle" I sang.

"MAYDAY" We all sang.

"Our radiant first flight
There were eyes on us and shadow-like hopes They all turned away because we couldn’t live upto them I lightly smile but My insides are twisted without anyone knowing about it" Fara rapped.

-time skip-
We finally finished and I actually felt satisfied with our performance. We did good.

We then walked off stage and changed back into our dresses. As we were walking back to our table I noticed bts gone so that means they will be performing soon. As I looked up on stage I noticed they were just walking up there. The music then started and they started moving their shoulders while leaning over.

A/n: I can't do the Korean lyrics because my keyboard is messing up, sorry guys

"Hows your day, oh tell me" Jimin sang.
"Your every picture, oh oh bae" Taehyung sang. "Come be my teacher, your one your two" Jin sang. "Listen my my baby, yeah your making me a boy with luv" Jungkook sang. "Oh my my my, oh my my my. I've waited all my life" Jimin and Jungkook sang.

-time skip-
Their performance was amazing I couldn't help but clap. As they exited off stage it was time to watch the other performances.

-time skipper-
"We have had some amazing performances tonight, but there can only be one winner." The girl host spoke. "We have two categories, one for best album and one for best new group" the Male host spoke. "And the winner for best album is" the girl spoke. "Bts!" They both cheered. The stadium roared with claps. "And the award for best new group" the Male spoke. "Mischievous Children!" They both cheered. There were many claps as we got up to head to the stage. Bts was already there getting a trophy handed to them.

"Thank you so much" RM said. "Even though we can't give a long speech just know we are truly grateful, thank you A.R.M.Y" RM said as they left the stage. "Thank you so much guys, this means a lot. I hope we will continue on our way to becoming something great and thank  you for supporting us so far" Amelia said. "Let's get it lost ones!!!" I yelled.

A/N: lost ones is the fan base name because I couldn't think of anything else

-time skip-
"Let's all go eat" Jimin said. "Finally I'm starving" Taehyung said. "Well where do y'all want to go?" Casey asked. "How about _____" Jhope suggested. "Oooo sounds good let's go" I said.

"Come on get in the car" Namjoon said to Jungkook. "What if I don't want to get in the car?" Jungkook asked. "Okay you can walk then" Namjoon said shutting the door and driving off.

"Can we get a table for twelve?" Jin asked. "But there are eleven of y'all here?" The woman asked. "We have someone else coming, he just ran into an obstacle, he will be here shortly I hope" Namjoon said. "Alright follow me" the waiter said leading us to our table.

-20 minutes into eating-
"I'" Jungkook said out of breathe. "Finally, we ordered your food" Yoongi said. "How did you know what I wanted?" Jungkook asked all focused. "Well you order the same thing every time and I love youuuuu" I said. "Aw I love you too" Jungkook said squeezing my cheeks. "Ew couples" Yoongi groaned. "You are literally in a relationship to" Jimin said. "Well mine is actually awesome unlike everyone else's" Yoongi said. "You are starting to sound like Jin" Fara said laughing. Everyone started laughing while Yoongi pouted like a baby.

"Dudes we should go roller skating!" Jessica said jumping out of her chair. "Omo that's a great idea!" I chimed with her. "Well that sounds like a good idea let's go everybody" Namjoon said after he finally paid for the meal.

"Jungkook come on" I said ready to skate. "Hold on I'm not done tying my laces" he said laughing. "Well I'm ready to..." I turned around, but stopped talking as I noticed how close I was to Jungkook. "You look cute" He said as he kissed my lips gently. "I felt that!" I yelled at him while he was laughing going into the ring. "Felt what?" He acted as if he didn't know what I was talking about. "You not so innocent bunny, you know you grabbed my ass" I said while hitting his arm. "And so? What if I did?" He replied getting really close to me. "Well just didn't expect someone like you to do anything even close to that" I said. "Well this 'bunny' isn't so innocent" He said doing the air quotes at bunny.

"Well then sir" I said smiling as I started skating really fast. "Ha come back here missy" He yelled from behind me. "If you can catch me" I said as I went as fast as I could I was not letting him beat me.

A/N; Hell my supernovas I'm sorry I haven't wrote in a while. I've just had so much to do. So many end of year tests and all. Thank you for reading and I'm sorry for the wait.

~Jeon Jaetae💓🤞

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