Hang out

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"Aghh Lia that wasn't the right note" Our manager Lily spoke. "My bad Lily" Lia spoke. "Oh Lily um could Bts come bye at around 2" i said looking at my watch. "Yes if you all get through this practice" Lily said. "Yes!" We all screamed.

-after rehearsal-
"That was exhausting" I said laying in the middle of the floor. "Y/n get up" Casey said trying to kick me. We then heard a lot of clapping I looked over seeing bts standing at the door I shot up like a rocket, "guys what are you doing here?" I asked. "Ooo she's excited" Casey said. I shot her a death glare and then sat back down. "Well y'all said come at 2 and it's 2:05 so..." Jimin said. "Oh My bad didn't already know it was time" I said. "Well what do y'all want to do?" Amelia asked. "Laser tag" V shouted. "Ahhh Tae okay don't kill my eardrums" I said. The studio was actually close to the laser tag center so I said we should walk. As we were walking I noticed everyone became friendly with each other. Fara and RM were oddly close and I mean holding hands close. Amelia and Jin seemed to get along, Jessica and Suga looked like they were bonding, and Casey was talking with Jimin and Jhope. I faced forward to make sure i wasn't gonna run into anything and I noticed V and Jungkook beside me, "Ahh y'all scared me" I said holding my chest. "Ooo my bad" V said. "Um yeah you look um nice" Jungkook said, I was wearing my black ripped jeans and a f/c shirt, nothing fancy. "Thank you" I said smiling. "I'll leave you too to it then" V said wiggling his eyebrows, Jungkook then elbowed him in the side. "What was that about?" I asked. "Oh um nothing" he replied.

-laser tag-
We arrived at the arena and bought out the whole thing so no crazy fans would try to attack us. "Okay we are gonna do an individual match, if that's alright" Jin said. "Alrighty then individual match here we come" Amelia said. We all had a few minutes to run and then I heard a buzzer that must have meant it was time to start. I climbed up some stairs as quiet as possible and sat on top of this huge block. I saw Jessica jump up and scream, "I was the champion at this when I was...." She stopped talking because she got shot by Suga, "haha I guess I'm the champion now" Suga said giving her a wink. Suga then got shot by Jimin, "Well you both have just resigned" Jimin said. "Come on Yoongi we can die together" Jessica said to Suga as they locked arms and went out of the arena. I saw Jimin, Jhope, V, and Jungkook talking so I decided to easdrop, "who's left?" V asked. "Well I know Suga and Jessica our out" Jimin said. "I shot Amelia and Jin because they were arguing about who was actually world wide handsome" Jhope said. "Casey's out" Jungkook said. "Awww poor Hobi they got his girlfriend" Jimin said pouting. "Shut up Jiminie" Hobi said hitting Jimin. I shot at Jhope because I shouldn't just easdrop, but I didn't hit Hobi "where did that come from" Jimin asked shocked. I then shot Jimin. "Aghh I'm going down" Jimin said. "Man down" V said. "Goodbye cruel cruel world" Jimin said. "Nooooo" V said. "You too stop messing around we have to find out where that came from" Jungkook said. "Alright bye Jimin" V said waving to Jimin as he was walking out.

-time skip-
"Where is she?" Jungkook asked. "I don't see why you are so interested in finding your girlfriend" V said. "Shut up V" Jungkook said blushing. "I know you like her" V said wiggling his eyebrows. "And..." Jungkook said. I then shot V and said to myself, "he likes me?" Smiling I then got back into game mode. "Shit Where did that come from?" Jungkook asked. I then looked and saw RM and Fara a block behind him. They both jumped out at the same time and Fara said, "say hello to my little friend" at the same time RM said, "ya dead" they both shot at the same time and they both killed each other, "Well that sucked" RM said. "Yeah let's go" Fara said. They looked so cute together. I walked around trying to find Hobi and Jungkook but couldn't. I then saw them but I think they saw me first so I started running. I took a wrong turn and was in a corner, "put your hands up" Hobi said. "Okay okay" I put my hands up. "So what are y'all gonna do shoot me?" I asked. "Well duh" Jungkook said. "What will happen then? Because you both will be left and there can only be one winner" I said. "She's right" Hobi said turning and pointing his gun at Jungkook. "She's just trying to mess with your head" Jungkook said. "But she speaks the truth" Hobi said. I then snuck away and climbed up to a balcony type thing. I didn't see Jungkook anywhere, so I decided to climb down. I started walking around but couldn't find him. I then came up to a dead end and went to turn around but there he was aiming the gun at me. "Gotcha" Jungkook said. "Yeah u do...." I said putting my hands up but then did a karate move that I learned back in middle school and took the gun out of his hand and threw him to the ground I then was on top of him and said "Oh my bad I think I got you instead" and then I shot him. "To bad maybe next time hun" I said giving him a wink. He was speechless as I walked out him walking out slowly behind me. "Ooo dang good game, sorry Jungkook but your girlfriend took ya down right then" V said ruffiling Jungkooks hair. "Ahh shut up V" Jungkook said blushing. "Its fine Kookie" I said. "Ooo dang" Jimin said.

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