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*in advance just remember y/s/n means your ship name*

"Wake up y/n" Casey said nudging me. "Ughhhhhh" I said. "You've should be used to getting up early by now" Jessica said walking by.

-talking to managers-
We arrived at the bighit entertainment center and we saw bts already there in the lobby. We all then were sent to a conference room. As our managers walked in we couldn't tell if they were mad or had something up their sleeves. "Ahhh shit something is about to go down" Jessica and Suga both said at the same timing earning a death glare from RM and Amelia. "Before we start we just wanted to say no one is in trouble and we are pretty sure it's nothing bad" Lily said. "Haha I'm off the hook" Tae screamed. "Tae sit. Now" RM said to him. "Alright whatever but we all know at the dorm in the troublemaker. All trouble starts with me and all trouble ends with me" Tae replied. "Anyways" Their manager Hyan said. "We would like to address the couple ships between our groups" he said. "Oooooo" Tae said nudging Kookie, I don't know what that was for. "We are gonna start off both of your groups albums with the groups combined. And the ships will be announced. You don't have to be in a real serious relationship with this person but we are fine if so. You could just be friends and it could be your friendship name or something. This would just h...." Hyan was saying but was interrupted by got7 bursting in. "Ahhh what up Mr.Bighit dude we are here to discuss the thingy thingy with that thangy" Mark said. "What he meant to say is we are here on behalf of our company to discuss a collaboration or 2" Jackson said pushing Mark away. "Um sorry boys but wrong room" Lily said. "Oh my bad Miss. Ehsn...." Mark said but JB put his hand over Marks mouth before he could say anything stupid. "We are very sorry but it told us to go to room C12 and that is this room" Jinyoung said bowing. "Well boys you can sit down we will just be a few more minutes and then I'll talk with you about the collaborations" Hyan said. Got7 all made their ways to the back of the conference room and sat half on the floor.

-time skip until middle meeting-
"Um excuse me but I don't um what" I yelled in English so not everyone understood me. "We know you likey on Kook" Tae said trying his English hilarious might I add. "Nī hăo" Mark said from the back. "Knee how? What the fuck you mean KNeE hOw?! What about my elbows? What about elbows huh?!? Yugyeom screamed. "Isn't it suppose to be 'Hows your knee?' Mark I thought you spoke english" Jinyoung said. "I was speaking chinese" Mark replied. "I THOUGHT HE SPOKE CANADIAN!?" BamBam screamed. "Boys shhhh" Hyan said to got7. "Y'all are cute" I said but whispered. "What'd you say?" Jackson asked. "Nothing" I replied. "Omg Bambam it's that girl on TV last night, omg remember she was cu...." Mark spoke but BamBam covered his mouth. "Oh yeah I remember last night Mark and BamBam got in a fight because they both said she's cute at the same time and it ended in a pillow war" Yugyeom said. "Haha let's ignore them" BamBam said throwing a couch cushion at Yugyeom. "Let's continue our meeting before this gets weird" RM said.

-after meeting-
"Okay it's finally decided" Lily said. "Omo let me get the popcorn" Mark said. "Anyways...." Hyan gave Mark the death glare. "The ships are now put in place we have, RM and Fara known as....." Lily said but was interrupted by Mark screaming "AGHHHCIEVCRJ FJCJR" we all turned at him "What is it now Mark?!" Jessica screamed. "Sorry guys my cousin is annoying" she said again. "Oh well my bad I thought I put my fork in the microwave with the popcorn" Mark said. "What the?! Wait why would you?! Ugh nevermind" Jessica said and then turned back around. "Let me finish speaking" Lily said. "The ships are Jessgi, Namar, Jinlia, Hobisey and y/s/n. Just like on the interview" Lily said. "Aww man I don't get anyone" Jimin and Tae said together. I turned to see Jungkook blushing, weird but I ignored it. "We will post pictures on social media showing the ship and you will have songs together" Hyan said. "This will be fun" Jin said popping his knuckles. "I'll beat you at it" Amelia said. "No I shall win" Jin stated. "Y'all are literally on the same team in this" Jimin said. "Ohhhhh yeah well in that case" Jin said and then got on the floor grabbed Amelia's hand and screamed, "IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOO" she let go. "Okay we are dating now" Jin said grabbing her hand to hold it. "Um hold up what" Taehyung said. "Why can't girls be that easy with me?" Mark said. "Because I'm worldwide handsome" Jin said doing an imaginary hair flip. "Harsh" BamBam stated. "Well if I'm being honest since we have the ships I should go ahead and say this..... me and Fara have already been dating" RM said. I had that what the fuck look on my face, but I was happy for them. "Okay then, now we just have Jessgi, y/s/n, and Hobsey who are ships that aren't dating or that's what we think" Hyan said sounding like he didn't care. "Oooo spill the tea hunty" BamBam and Yugyeom said at the same time. "Hold up let me grab the popcorn" Mark said grabbing the bag out the microwave. "Ahh this is hot, scjfjenf" he then throws the bag in the air and it lands on BamBam. "Hot tamales" BamBam said. "At least it isn't ruined" Mark said grabbing the bag. "Oh wait you touched it nevermind" Mark said. "That's it" BamBam tried to attack Mark but JB and Jackson held him back while Mark was sticking out his tongue like a little kid while the other three sat on the couch chanting "fight, fight, fight" over and over again. "Boys come on sit down" Lily said. They all sat down and shutted up. "First he's been quiet" Jessica said pointing at Mark. "Anyways Jessgi, Hobsey, and y/s/n What do y'all want to do, you can have time to think about it or you can just be a friend ship" Hyan said. "I want her as mine" Suga said putting his hat back over his head. "Alright we are dating" Jessica said. "What the!? Oh come on? This sounds like an off brand K-Drama" Mark shouted. Hobi then pulled out some flowers and chocolate and said "Casey will you be mine and only mine. Your my hope I'm your hope, I'm Jhope, and maybe one day you can be Jhope with me" she nodded yes and they hugged. "See that's how you do it, that's K-Drama material. Yasss ma'am" Mark said clapping and whistling. "Ohhhh I just got it he said maybe one day you can be Jhope with me meaning maybe one day they'll get married and she'll like take his last name and stuff" BamBam said. "No duh" everyone said. "Wait really I thought he said Nae-lope, i thought it was like some secret code thingy they had or something" Mark said. Jackson then face palms. "Well Jungkook.... y/s/n what will it be?" Hyan asked everyone focusing in. "They have to both be okay with it first" JB said. "You act like you know everything about relationships, but he's right continue" Mark said using hand gestures. "Okay well I'm scared so let's say it at the same time" I said. "Okay good idea" Jungkook said. "Okay 1....2......3" We both said. "My answer is......."

A/N: and a cliff hanger sorry guys had to do it😁😂, and I added got7 on here because I was thinking about a joke and I was like I should add some more kpop groups in here like for then to have a little moment. Anyways I'll try to do that, so if you have a group suggestion to add in comment and I will do my best. Best of love, also sorry for my grammar problems and such English isn't my best language but I hope you enjoy💞🎉

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