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Today we were writing the songs for each couple apparently and I really didn't feel up to it but oh well got to do it for the fandom I guess.

"Let's goooooo" Amelia yelled. "We are coming" Casey said we then all got in the car and took off toward the studio.

We finally got there after what seemed like forever and to our surprise we arrived before the boys. "Haha we beat you" Amelia said sticking her tongue out at Jin. "Ahhh whatever" he said. "Alright guys each couple go to separate studios and start working" Lily said. Each couple went to a separate studio and started working, let the fun begin.

A/N: I'm gonna use certain songs as the couple things so these songs arent owned by me. Copyright to original owner.

-time skip to finished songs-
We finally finished, everyone did from what I heard and it was now time to show everyone, this will be fun I thought to myself. First Jin and Amelia the song started playing and you could hear Amelia sing omo she sounded good she never sings before, "anything you can do i can do better" she sung. "Ahh shit saw this coming" Jessica said. I just laughed. After their song is was now Casey and Jhopes song, you could hear Jhope rap "I was doing just fine before I met you" and he rapped a bit more and then you could hear Casey sing, "Four years no call now I'm looking pretty in a hotel bar and I~ can't stop." "So baby pull me closer" you could hear them both sing and it sounded gorgeous. Now Suga and Jessica's turn. "I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you" Suga sings. "Maybe I'll crash into you, maybe we would open these wounds" Suga sings. "We're only alive if we bruise, so I lay down this armor" Jessica sings. "What if I surrender tonight, maybe we'll both loose this fight" They both sang. Taehyung and Jimin did a song together so they wouldn't be left out, "I hate you, i love you i hate that i want you, you want him you need him and I'll never be him" they both sang. Finally me and Jungkooks turn. "Something in me knew that it was real, frozen in my head pictures I'm living through for now, trying to remember all the good times." Jungkook sang. "our life was cutting through so loud, memories are playing in my dull mind, I hate this part." I sang. "Paper hearts, and I'll hold a piece of yours, don't think I would forget about it, hoping that you won't forget about it" we sang together. "Okay guys those songs are perfect and we will release them tomorrow" Hyan said.

"Alright let's go eat" Taehyung said. "Best idea you've had all day" Jimin said. "Okay both of you shut up your making us fat" Jin said making everyone laugh. "I benched 20 last night" Tae said sounding proud of himself. "20 what? Cheeto puffs" I said shooting him down from his pride rock also earning laughter from everyone.

We walked to the restaurant and I still didn't feel good, I haven't felt good all day or the day before. I then stopped walking it hurt to move for a minute. "Hey y/n why'd you stop walking did my looks blind you" Jin said. "Guys I don't feel to goo---" I said but couldn't finish my sentence because everything went black. I couldn't see or hear but only feel, I felt someone pick me up and carry me somewhere, I then felt being laid on something I tried to open my eyes but the more I fought the more I lost terribly. 'Ugh come on eyes just open' I said to myself.

I finally was able to open my eyes and noticed I was laying on a bed but it didn't look like my bed. It looked really expensive I felt like a peasant just sitting on it. It looked like something fit for royalty as I was scanning my surroundings I heard footsteps and there were a lot of them kinda like a stam peed going on outside of the door you could say. "You're awake!" Amelia screamed. "Omo I'm gonna cry" Casey said. "Y/n!" Jungkook yelled and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a big hug, " I thought I lost you" he said I could tell he was crying a bit because I felt a tear drop onto my shoulder.

A doctor, Lily and Hyan soon walked in. "Ah y/n You're awake how are you feeling?" The doctor asked. "Just a bit tired" I said. "What happened?" I asked. "Well when you all were walking to get something to eat you fainted and omo thank goodness Jungkook caught you or you could have suffered brain damage" the doctor said. "Um doc do you know perhaps why she fainted?" Lily asked. "Ahh yes it looks as if y/n wasn't eating properly also she wasn't drinking enough water" the doctor said. Amelia then shot me a glare she's been fussing at me a lot about not eating enough.

"I told you didn't I?" Amelia asked looking a bit mad. "Yes you told me" I said hanging my head low I knew she was right and everyone else did too. "Well I just suggest you eat properly and drink water on a daily bases and you'll be fine" the doctor said. "Thank you again doc" Hyan and Lily said. "Anytime just make sure she does as I suggested" the doc says then leaves.

"You need to eat right" Suga said. "Why?" I asked. "So you don't I don't know like die!?" Hobi said. "Why aren't you eating properly?" Taehyung asked. "Because look at me I need to be skinnier to look better and such" I said. "No you don't" Jimin said on the verge of tears. "I once thought the exact same thing but I overcame it with the help of my fans and fellow members they helped me realize that I'm beautiful no matter what and I shouldn't care what others think I even had this same incident that happened to you today" Jimin said. "Okay Chimmy I will try my best with it but I won't be able to do it alone"I said looking down I know they were all disappointed. I then felt someone hug me it was Jungkook and he said "that's why we are here" those words echoed through my mind.
'That's why we are here'
'Thats why we are here'
those simply words now had me on the verge of crying. These people actually cared for me and they want to help me I can't ask for anything better.

A/N: hello my fellow supporters, I hope this chapter wasn't to much on you and I really appreciate everyone for reading this. I love you all and I know it's been taking me forever to update it's just ya know school and shit but thank you for being patient.☄💞

~Jeon Jaetae💫

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