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"Um well apparently we have an interview" Amelia spoke. "Ah who now?" I said. "An interview-" Fara said stretching out the word interview. "Ohhhh" I said. "Well since we are a new group and we just debuted a week ago and already are popular Weekly Idol wants to interview us" Amelia said. "It'll be at 4pm" she said. "Ahhh shit" Jessica said. "Its 3pm" I said. "And you tell us now what the actually cookie monster?" Fara said. "Well I just found out myself" Amelia said. "Well let's get ready" Casey said.

-at the interview-
"This week on weekly idol we will be talking with a new girl group sponsored by bighit entertainment" the host Josh spoke. "And here are the 5 lovely ladies from the group mischievous children" he said while we walked on stage and everyone clapped. "Since you just debuted you would think no one knows much about you, but your song reasoning has became a very big hit, see what I did there" he spoke. "Ahh thank you for having us" Amelia smiled then bowed. "Now I will introduce these new found idols" he said with a smile, "First Amelia, she is the eldest and leader of the group and she is a rapper and her stage name is Lia, Casey her stage name is C.C. She is a vocalists. Jessica's stage name is Jay, she is a vocalists she is also lead dancer, Fara, her stage name is Jade and she is a rapper. And last but not least y/n, her stage name is snow and she is the maknae but also a vocalist, rapper, and also a lead dancer." He said. "Well they know a lot about us" Casey said. "Well we actually know more then you think, bring out the board" Josh said. "Wait what?" Jessica asked confused. "We know some facts about you and we are gonna state them so the people watching can get to know you more" Josh said. "Well I know that but how did y'all get this information" Jessica asked. "We have our ways" he said and winked. The board then came out, "first Amelia, it says that you were born in Rome but moved to South Korea to follow your dreams, you also use to go to REDS better know as Rome's especial dancing school." Josh said, Amelia nodded and said, "that is correct" "next Casey, you grew up in New Jersey, you have always had a passion for singing and graduated from CCU" Josh said. "That's accurate" Casey said.
"Jessica, you graduated from an honours college in Seoul and have always loved to sing and dance, we also found that you have some family that are also idols most know Mark from got7" Josh said. "Yes that is true, even though Mark is older than me we still would hang out a lot as kids" Jessica stated. "Fara, you were born in New York and went to a special dance school there, you also learnt Korean at that school and followed your passion for rapping and dancing" Josh said. "That's actually right" she said. "Last but not least the maknae, y/n, you also grew up in New York but weren't born there, you were born in Busan South Korea but your parents moved, you went to the same school as Fara and also learnt Korean." Josh said. "Wow spot on" I said.

-time skip-
The interview was almost over but the Josh asked an unexpected questions, "We have noticed that you all have gain a liking toward the Korean boy band Bts, is that true?" "Actually yes they are very nice people" Amelia said. "Ah yes it is all over social media" Josh said. "What is?" We all asked. "These.." Josh said pointing up at a screen behind us. There were pictures of us and bts. "And people have even came up with ships" Josh said. "Really?" Casey asked. "Yes, would you like me to show you?" Josh asked. "Yes please" I said. He then pressed a button and the screen switched. There were pictures of Jessica and Suga, RM and Fara, Amelia and Jin, Casey and Jhope, and lastly me and Jungkook. "The ships our Jessgi, Namar, Jinlia, and y/s/n." Josh said. "Ooo dang Namar is me and RM's and it actually sounds cool" Fara whispered to me. "Everyone loves these ships especially the maknaes, Jungkook and y/n" Josh said. "Are any of them true?" Josh asked. "Um..." I said then Amelia covered my mouth. "It will yet to be revealed" Amelia said with a wink. "Well then maybe next time we have you on the show you can tell us, until next time this is our top news on Weekly Idol" Josh said.

-time skip-
We were already at the dorm and I got a phone call:
Y/n: hello?
Jungkook: um oh hello just wanted to say I saw you on TV and you did um amazing
Y/n: thank you Kookie
Jungkook: and I saw that they shipped us
Y/n: oh did you not want that because I would have said....
Jungkook: oh no it was fine, I um I kinda liked it
Y/n: oh um okay good
Jungkook: well um I'll see you tomorrow
Y/n: What do you mean tomorrow?
Jungkook: oh I forgot you manager must have not told y'all yet
Y/n: what is it?
Jungkook: well we all have to meet tomorrow and talk about what happened on the show, like the ships
Y/n: oh okay
Jungkook: um yeah so goodnight see you later alligator
Y/n: bye

At the boys dorm
"Ahh stupid what was that see you later alligator, ugh stupid" Jungkook said hitting himself.

Back to y/n
"Guys did you hear the news" i said walking up to the girls, "Yeah Lily just called" Casey said. "Well let's go to bed we have to meet with the guys and both of our managers tomorrow about this hopefully it won't be nothing bad" Amelia said. "Me too" I said. I then took a shower and went to bed, "lets just hope nothing goes wrong" I said to myself and then dozed off.

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