Miss Nurse

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Snuffle: Is that really your name? Miss Nurse?

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Snuffle: Is that really your name? Miss Nurse?

Miss Nurse: Yes. Why?

Snuffle: No reason. Just wondering if it was.

Joshua: *crashes through the window*

Snuffle: *sighs* I just got that window replaced from the last time you crashed through it.

Joshua: Hehe. *Grins*

Snuffle: You're covered in glass and cuts, you idiot. Here. *Puts Joshua on the bed* *picks glass from him* You're making me do my job. *Cleans the cuts with alcohol* *puts bandages on them* There. Now quit crashing through my window. It's getting expensive having to replace it each time. Use the front door.

Joshua: Aw that's no fun! I'd rather crash through the window!

Snuffle: No. I told you before to use the front door. And you don't listen and end up crashing through the window getting covered in cuts. And making me do my job more than I have to. I have other patients to care for. I can't be babysitting you all the time.

Joshua: Then don't. *Shrugs* I can take care of myself.

Snuffle: You obviously can't because you're always getting hurt and needing me to take care of you.

Joshua: Hehe.

Snuffle: I'm not telling you again. You crash one more time through my window, I'm not taking care of you. You'll have to do it yourself.

Joshua: But isn't that your job?

Snuffle: Yes, but not a hundred million times. Go shower. Those bandages are waterproof so you don't have to take them off. Now go. You reek of sweat.

Joshua: I don't smell that bad, do I? *Sniffs his arm* Augh!

Snuffle: Told you. Now go.

Joshua: *goes to the shower*

Miss Nurse: He's a handful, isn't he?

Snuffle: You have no idea.

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