Part 2

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This is part 2 of Snuffle and Gabby! I thought of who the doctor they worked for should be! Abridged Popo!
After Gabby had left, Snuffle went to report to Doctor Popo to help with a major surgery. Gabby was there also, and the two went to wash up and prepare the patient for surgery. "How about after this is over, I treat you to the best restaurant in town?" Snuffle asked her. "Are you asking me to go out with you?" Gabby giggled. "Yeah, I am. So how about it?" "Well of course! I was wondering the same thing!" She said.

Snuffle smiled and kissed her cheek, making her blush. "Alright you two, this is serious. I'm going to go out and get high on LSD. You two can perform the surgery since I know Nathan just got his doctor's license and degree, since he is so smart. In fact, I'm going to retire to the lookout. What Kami needs is a personal doctor 'cause he's an old man, so I'm going to be there for awhile. Good luck," and Popo disappeared, letting Snuffle perform the surgery on his sister, Becky, whose back was broken in two after a fight with her ex, Turles, who became abusive towards her and nearly killed her with poison, but she survived and also survived the surgery.

She woke up in a private room hours later, and sighed in relief when she saw Turles wasn't there. "I need to get a restraining order against him," she said sadly. "But he wasn't like this before. He was so sweet and loving to me. But now he's changed since I told him I was pregnant. Too bad." And she went back to sleep, trying to dream of happy things.

Meanwhile Snuffle had taken Gabby to the finest restaurant in town, Hotel California, and he got out a ring he'd bought that he'd been saving for "the one". And Gabby was his one. He bent down on one knee and took her hand. "Gabby, I know we just met and all, but I fell in love with you right at first sight. You made my heart skip several beats when I saw that beautiful face of yours. So answer this one question please: will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the entire universe?" He asked. Gabby looked in shock. "I, don't know what to say, Nathan..." "Say yes," he smiled. "Alright, yes! I will marry you!" Gabby smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

The people in the restaurant cheered and clapped their hands, and came over to congratulate the two. "Thank you so much, Gabby, you've made me so happy," Snuffle smiled, resting his forehead on hers, and kissing her. She smiled and kissed him back, and he picked her up after paying the bill and took her home with him, laying down with her in bed. "I can't wait to marry you," he said, holding her in his arms. She smiled and let him hold her, feeling safe in his strong arms. "I love you." "I love you too, Nathan." Soon the two were married the next day, and came home to make love each other all throughout the night, and the next day Gabby found out she was pregnant, making them even happier.

Becky and Joshua came over bearing gifts for them and the baby, and nine months later, Gabby gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl, named Quinoa (Keen-waa), and she grew up to be a nurse like her mother, helping her parents care for patients and loving her job.
Me: The end!

Snuffle: The end?

Me: Yeah, because it's only a two part story of how you guys met.

Gabby: *holding Quinoa* I thought it was very nice.

Quinoa: *giggles*

Snuffle: *rubs her head* Well, at least we have a kid now.

Gabby: Yes, a very beautiful daughter. *Smiles*

Snuffle: Beautiful like you, sweetie. *kisses Gabby*

Gabby: *kisses back*

Joshua: Get a room you two!

Snuffle: Heh.

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