Nurse Phoenix

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Snuffle: Hey it's my niece, Phoenix

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Snuffle: Hey it's my niece, Phoenix. How's it going?

Phoenix: It's going great, actually. Thanks.

Snuffle: No prob. *sees Joshua get up* Don't be crashing through my window this time if you go back out to train.

Phoenix: He still does that?

Snuffle: Yes, and it's annoying. I have to replace them each time.

Phoenix: Dad, stop crashing through windows already.....

Joshua: But it's fun!

Snuffle: See? He never listens.

Joshua: Nope, hehe. *Tries jumping out the window*

Snuffle: *catches him by his collar* Oh no you don't. You're going to learn how to use the door, like a normal person.

Joshua: Aw man!

Snuffle: Now, walk through the door, and don't crash through it either.

Joshua: Sorry bro, I'm gonna do it! *Crashes through the door* Owwww.....that hurt....

Phoenix: You're not a very good listener, Dad.....

Snuffle: No he isn't. He's a dumbass.

Joshua: My head hurts.....

Snuffle: That's because you just tried to crash through the door head first.

Joshua: Hehe.

Phoenix: *face-palms* Oh Dad....

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