Doctor Vegeta

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Snuffle: Oh look, it's Vegeta

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Snuffle: Oh look, it's Vegeta.

Vegeta: What are you looking at, Nathan?

Snuffle: Your hairline. It looks like the McDonald's logo.

Vegeta: And you think yours is better?

Snuffle: I know it is. And don't you have a kid at home that's sick?

Vegeta: Which one?

Snuffle: Your daughter, Bra.

Vegeta: Crap! I need to get home!

Snuffle: Then go home. I got this.

Vegeta: *goes home*

Snuffle: Now, then, how are you feeling right now, Becky?

Me: Fine, I guess.

Snuffle: Good. *Checks my temperature* Your fever is gone now. That's another good sign.

Me: Can I go home?

Snuffle: No, you have to stay here.

Me: Why?

Snuffle: Because I said so.

Me: But why?

Snuffle: Because you still have a cough to get rid of.

Me: Uh, no I don't? *Coughs*

Snuffle: Go back to sleep. Now. After you take your medicine.

Me: Fine....*takes my medicine and goes back to sleep*

Snuffle: Good.

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