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Snuffle: *sitting on the floor of his room, crying*

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Snuffle: *sitting on the floor of his room, crying*

Becky: *knocks on the door* Snuffle? You okay in there?

Snuffle: *sniffles* What is it? What do you want?

Becky: I brought you some food...if you're hungry.

Snuffle: Just... set it on the desk.

Becky: Okay. *Sets the food on the desk* You miss him, don't you?

Snuffle: *nods* Yeah.... I told Goku and Goki the news as well as Junior and the new baby.

Becky: How did they take it?

Snuffle: *sighs* Well, Goki slapped me, Junior didn't say anything, and Goku took it like I did when I first heard the news. The baby just cried.

Becky: *sighs* Well you can't just sit there all day, drinking and being depressed.

Snuffle: Why not? And you're one to talk, you damn near died yourself if it wasn't for me smacking that bottle out of your hands. Dying of poisoning is not going to bring Joshua back.

Becky: Oh yeah? Well drinking yourself to death isn't going to bring him back either. Know what he'd do if he saw you like this? He'd smack the stuffing out of you.

Snuffle: *chuckles* Yeah, he probably would. You're right.

Becky: That's the second time you agreed with me.

Snuffle: I must be losing my mind, then.

Becky: Old age making you slip up?

Snuffle: Shut up. You're almost 30 yourself. Now get out of here.

Becky: What are you gonna do, yell at me?

Snuffle: I might. I may be drunk and depressed but I'm not stupid. I know what you're trying to pull.

Becky: I'm not trying to pull anything. Now get your sorry ass up and go take a shower. You smell like whiskey, you need a shave, and you haven't eaten in days. Get up right now and stop feeling sorry for yourself. This isn't you.

Snuffle: Being a bitch now?

Becky: I'm always a bitch. You just ignored it up until now. So get up before I make you.

Snuffle: Fine, fine. Whatever.

Becky: The Snuffle I know wouldn't sit around and mope. Now get your ass up and into that shower.

Snuffle: Alright, you can stop now. Get out of here.

Becky: You gonna stop feeling sorry for yourself?

Snuffle: You gonna quit bitching at me?

Becky: Yes.

Snuffle: Then get the hell out of my room. Now. I didn't give you permission to enter.

Becky: Whatever, asshole.

Snuffle: Whatever, bitch.

Becky: 🖕

Snuffle: Out! *Pushes her out the door* *closes it*

Becky: *walks away*

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