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Vegeta: So you're telling me that I can get 100% of my patients to behave better if I just bribe them? How's that going to work?

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Vegeta: So you're telling me that I can get 100% of my patients to behave better if I just bribe them? How's that going to work?

Snuffle: It's true, I found that just having candy of some sort sitting out and a more comfortable environment is the key. Trust me.

Vegeta: Really?

Snuffle: Yes. You should try it. You'll get 100% patient satisfaction, guaranteed just by making them feel more comfortable and at home.

Vegeta: Good point.

Snuffle: Also we need to make more house calls, because most people can't or won't go to a doctor, so we can just go to them.

Vegeta: What about the price of meds?

Snuffle: Either lower them or make it free. Especially if the people's insurance can't or won't cover it.

Vegeta: Another good point. But what about the staff?

Snuffle: Hire more doctors and nurses that either have experience in medicine and other things, or new ones who are willing to learn, those of them who are currently in medical school or have already graduated.

Vegeta: I see. Anything else?

Snuffle: Legalize pot.

Becky: *chuckles* Yeah, no kidding.

Snuffle: Hey Becky.

Becky: Hey. I brought you guys some coffee.

Vegeta: Thanks.

Snuffle: Got any rum?

Becky: *smiles* Of course. *Gets out a small bottle* Here you go.

Snuffle: You are an angel, you know that?

Becky: Awwwww, thank you! Well, I'd better let you two go back to having your meeting. Bye.

Snuffle: Bye sis.

Becky: *leaves*

Snuffle: Alright, anything else before I call this meeting adjourned?

Vegeta: I can't think of anything else.

Snuffle: Alright then, meeting adjourned.

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