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Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion

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Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. Hello Doctor Snuffle.

Snuffle: Hey Baymax. Could you do me a favor and help me out with my patients? I've got a lot today and need someone to help.

Baymax: Of course. My scanners show that there is a new patient here that is suffering from pnuemonia.

Snuffle: Yeah, that would be Cynder.

Baymax: I will help her then.

Snuffle: Good. And bring this to her. *Puts a bottle of medicine in Baymax's hands*

Baymax: *goes to give Cynder her medicine*

Cynder: *coughing* Thanks, Baymax. *Takes her medicine and goes back to sleep*

Baymax: You have a fever of 100.9 degrees Fahrenheit. You should rest.

Cynder: I know, but I want to go out and train more but Snuffle won't let me. *Coughs*

Snuffle: Because you're sick with pnuemonia and you'll make yourself worse than you are.

Cynder: And I keep telling you that I'm fine.

Snuffle: You're not fine, you're sick. Now go to sleep before I have to give you a shot.

Cynder: Fine....*goes to sleep*

Snuffle: Good girl. Baymax, keep an eye on this one.

Baymax: Yes, Doctor Snuffle. I will stay right here with Cynder.

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